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关于”学校招生“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:School enrollment。以下是关于学校招生的高考英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:School enrollment

As can be seen from the pie chart, in recent years, more and more people have the opportunity to go to university. One year later, a total of students have successfully entered the University. The number of students going to university increases with the passage of time.

More and more students enjoy their right to go to University. At the same time, due to the new education policy, the number of students is more than twice that of the number of students receiving higher education. From the above table, we can draw a clear conclusion: it is not impossible for senior high school students to receive higher education.

In other words, universities have opened their education. As a saying goes, knowledge is power. The more we learn, the smarter we will be.

Therefore, we must cherish these opportunities to go to university and make more contributions to our society.




2:入学人数,My name is that everyone is very happy to come to this school. As a senior high school student, I will strictly require myself to get along well with the students and gradually study under the tension. I will complete the higher education with a serious attitude.

I will treat the concept of high school learning with the correct questions raised by the teacher. The most qualified high school students are.




3:学校招生,The world's most despicable headmaster is worried that his private school will shut down because of a shortage of students. One day, he called his assistant and asked him to go out and recruit more students, otherwise he would be fired the next day. The next day, there were

10 new students.

Within a week after admission, another

10 students signed up. One day, the sky high price pulled the assistant aside. The principal asked, "how can you get so many new students to sign up? It's easy to answer the question.

Assistant, I just started to rumor that you are going to resign.".




标签: 高考 作文 满分 学校

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