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关于”用讲中国故事的重要性“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:The importance of telling Chinese stories。以下是关于用讲中国故事的重要性的八级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The importance of telling Chinese stories

The basic principle of telling Chinese stories in English is patriotism first, love yourself. As a Chinese, we must tolerate all kinds of discrimination and prejudice, tolerate the loyalty, filial piety, courtesy and righteousness in history, so as to attract cultural exchanges. We must learn to tell the story in a language that the listener can understand, rather than the speaker's self-expression.




2:,Yuan Shu sent thousands of generals to attack Liu Bei. Yuan Shu wrote a letter and a lot of food as gifts to Liu Bei, asking him not to help him. On the other hand, if I continued to watch, Yuan Shu wrote a letter asking for help and holding his arm.

Lu Yi would be in danger after Yuan defeated Liu, but If I helped Liu Yuan, I would be very dissatisfied with me, so LV invited Liu Bei and Ji Ling to the banquet. After several rounds of toast between Liu Bei and Ji Ling, Lu began to ask you to do me a favor. When Ji Ling refused, Lu stopped fighting.

Lu Da called out his spear. Liu and Ji were both scared. I stood outside the door.

If my arrow hit the edge of it, you two would Stop fighting. If I don't hit the target, you have your own way. Ji secretly hopes that he can hit the target.

Liu Xiang wishes Lu success with his fingers. After drinking a cup of reed, he gives him wine, bows and arrows, and shouts. The arrow flies to the target like lightning and hits the edge of the spear.

People around him applaud warmly. Lu puts down his bow and arrow and says with a smile, "look, company." Heaven wants you to stop fighting his excellent archery, and LV avoids a fight between the two sides.




3:用讲中国故事的重要性,The era of globalization has come. Trade, information dissemination and cultural exchange are the only way for any country to survive. Therefore, internationalization is the way for modern people to survive.

To be outstanding, one must have an international vision and have oral communication skills. However, the most powerful country today is the United States. Americanism is the universal language of the world Only by studying Americanism can we be qualified to enter the international world.

If people do not have a good ability of Americanism, it is a very serious matter. After all, Taiwan is the smallest island that can accommodate more than 10000 people. Only by relying on international trade can we maintain people's lives.

It is said that the country in the world that uses traditional Chinese is Taiwan, so we have to rely on it The limit of our strength has nothing to do with the inherent advantages of internationalization. What's more, people can rely on their own efforts to find a dazzling sky the day after tomorrow and ignite Taiwan's name, so that people all over the world can realize that knowing Taiwan is like recognizing the United States. The economic miracle and technological vanguard technology in Taiwan are once again unfolding, which condenses the past The strong wind won it.




标签: 中国 八级 作文 故事 满分

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