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关于”快餐的普及“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:The popularity of fast food。以下是关于快餐的普及的初三英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The popularity of fast food

Social progress is changing with each passing day, economic development is faster and faster, and people's quality of life is also improving. Computers have been popularized in our lives, bringing more convenience to our lives. In the past 30 years, working people may not be human beings, but with the popularization of robots, human life is operated by computer hardware measures, and people can use technology to improve the environment In addition, students' textbooks may also be computers, not on paper.

What I am looking forward to is the future and the convenience of life brought by technology.




2:,With the development of Internet, more and more people tend to shop online. Online shopping has brought us some advantages, but at the same time, there are also some disadvantages. On the one hand, online shopping brings some convenience to consumers.

Instead of going to another store, people can choose and buy various commodities. They like to click the mouse. This is not only a better choice for the elderly who are lack of energy, but also a great convenience for those who have no time to go shopping.

Consumers have more choices when shopping online They can browse products of various shapes, sizes and colors and decide whether to buy them or not. In addition, online shopping has made great contributions to the development of express delivery industry. However, online shopping has also made great contributions to the development of express delivery industry.

There are some shortcomings. First, people who shop online sometimes can't try out goods before buying, and the real goods are not the same as the goods seen on the Internet. Second, some online shops are dishonest and do not deliver goods after payment.

If this happens, they will consume We will have no place to complain and will never pay any more money. Therefore, we should pay more attention to online shopping.





3:快餐的普及,In the digital age, there has been a revolutionary change in the form of writing records. The "typing like flying" on the keyboard often replaces a Chinese painting character. However, with the increasing use of computers and mobile phones, the phenomenon of "forgetting" characters is becoming more and more common.

Besides "forgetting" characters, some people have such "symptoms": it is easy to write wrong characters, and it is difficult to express oneself by handwriting In my opinion, the worse you write, or even fear handwriting. This is because computer technology and network technology, especially more and more developed people have been working in their daily life. Due to the nature of work or the fast pace of life, they gradually ignore the constraints of writing skills.

Many people make the shape of Chinese characters only rough, but can not correctly write the specific radicals and structure, and use the wrong pen It is becoming a worrying cultural phenomenon to forget the character frequency.




标签: 初三 英文 作文 万能

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