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关于”各国不同的礼物“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Different gifts from different countries。以下是关于各国不同的礼物的初中英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Different gifts from different countries

The East and the west, let's enjoy the fusion of the two cultures together. Say: the East is the East, and the west is the West. They will never meet.

But now, a century later, they meet. They meet in business, in education, in art. Some people will argue that these meetings will let us make a choice between the East and the East, but I believe that the best The future lies in the creative combination of the two worlds.

We can transform western ideas, customs and techniques into ourselves. We can enjoy the cream of the two world, because our tradition is first, I love Beijing Opera and Henan opera, because it always reminds me of who I am, but I also love pop music, especially English songs, so I put Oriental melody and western music together. The combination of Fang's language is the compass of the West.

When two cultures meet, there may be something in one culture. When this happens, we need to learn to understand and respect the customs of another culture. Some people may not like this.

I would say, if you don't like it, when different cultures blend in front of us, it is a great virtue to learn to tolerate what you don't like personally. There are things at present The two rivers of local culture may run on different roads, but in the end, they will merge into the vast ocean of human culture. I can see that people from the East and the West complement each other and sing the theme song of the Olympic Games together: hand in hand, heart to heart, together to shape a beautiful tomorrow.

Thank you:.




2:来自不同国家的不同礼物,Cultural rules of gift giving can be confusing and even offensive. When the giver and recipient come from different cultural backgrounds, Americans may offend the Chinese with the gift of a clock, because in China, the clock symbolizes death. Giving a gift to an Arab at the first meeting is interpreted as a bride sending flowers to ADINA, and a reception by a person from Kenya will make the host feel it Confused, because in Kenya, flowers are only given to express sympathy for the loss, while in Switzerland, giving red roses is also regarded as a symbol of romantic interest, so it is not appropriate to give a dozen.

The recipient may interpret the gift as a reflection of malice.




3:各国不同的礼物,A: My God, I can't imagine meeting you here. A: Yes, we haven't seen each other for nearly half a year. B: where are you going now? A: I'm going to attend a conference on the diversification and globalization of Chinese culture.

B: A: it's too important. Eastern and Western cultures are relatively independent value systems in their respective societies. Each culture has its own advantages and disadvantages, so the two cultures should be mutually beneficial Nourish and benefit each other a: B: Yes, it seems to be very important to Chinese culture.

China's traditional culture has been closed and isolated for two thousand years, lacking democracy and openness. This is the main essence of western culture. Through this conference, we want to make it the beginning of China's culture absorbing the essence of western culture.

The Olympic Games is an exciting opportunity: A: I see your opportunity to apply for the Olympic Games, so that your traditional culture can absorb the advantages of western culture and make it diversified and globalized. B: yes, only the essence B: I understand, but I think Chinese culture has many advantages. B:, of course, when China culture absorbs the cream of western culture, we insist on and carry forward itB: Well, the Olympic Games is a belt of eastern and Western cultures, it promotes the development of two different cultural systems.

Suppose that with the development of Olympic Games, Eastern and Western cultures should be integrated into a more perfect China. And a dynamic system: B: I hope so:.


A: 天哪,真想不到能在这里见到你A:B:是的,我们差不多半年没见面了B:A:你们现在要去哪儿了A:我要参加一个关于使中国文化多样化和全球化的会议B:A:这太重要了,东西方文化是各自社会相对独立的价值体系,每一种文化都有各自的优点和糟粕,所以两种文化应该互相滋养,互相受益A:B:对,对中国文化来说似乎很重要。两千年的封建统治使中国传统文化自我封闭和孤立,缺乏民主和开放,而这正是西方文化的主要精髓通过这次会议,我们想让它成为中国文化充分吸收西方文化精华的开端。奥运会是一个令人向往的机会:a:我看到你申请奥运会的机会,使你的传统文化吸收西方文化的优势,并使之多样化和全球化。



标签: 初中 英文 高分 作文 礼物

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