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关于”滥养宠物不好“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:It's bad to keep pets indiscriminately。以下是关于滥养宠物不好的高考英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:It's bad to keep pets indiscriminately

Pets are our friends. This is a member of our family. My mother has two pet dogs.

She takes care of them every day: feeding them, bathing them, talking to them in winter, hugging them. When they are sick, she makes strong clothes for them. She takes them to veterinary doctors and helps them take medicine like children.

Her pet dog seems to understand everything she does. Whenever they see her, they will lick her feet with their lips and give her the warmest welcome in the world. What a moving picture.




2:,Many young people tend to keep pets. They can treat pets as friends and don't feel lonely. Pets are lovely and loyal to their owners.

When we keep pets, there are many touching stories between animals and people. When we see touching stories between people and animals on the screen, we have the responsibility to take care of them. However, in real life, cruel events happen.

It is reported that some pets are abandoned by their owners because they don't want to keep these animals, so they are the fastest The way is to abandon them. They feel sorry for these lovely animals. At the same time, they blame the cold-blooded and irresponsible pet owners.

When we keep pets, we need to keep our responsibilities. The lives of pets are as valuable as our human beings. So if we don't want to keep them, at least we need to find someone to take care of them Instead of abandoning them.




3:滥养宠物不好,It is undeniable that keeping pets is a hot topic nowadays. Some people think that keeping pets is a good thing. They think that pets, like cats and dogs, can help alleviate the loneliness of the elderly and other members of society.

Or they also think that keeping pets can help people understand the animal world and cultivate positive emotions towards animals, but others think that pets can help people understand the animal world and cultivate positive emotions towards animals However, they hold the opposite view. They think that keeping pets is a useless but harmful thing. First, pets can spread diseases.

Secondly, pet noise and feces are pollution sources. Similarly, many rare birds and animals are kept as pets. They are bound to be killed on a large scale.

This means that it is a threat to the balance of the ecosystem. Weighing the pros and cons of these views, I tend to agree with the latter, We can reduce our loneliness and express our love for animals in other ways. I believe that only by placing human beings and other species on the basis of equality can we expect a vivid and colorful world.




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