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关于”给客户的道歉“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Apologies to customers。以下是关于给客户的道歉的高二英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Apologies to customers

From: Snow White to: sw@camacuk CC: wwjohn@onlineshcn Subject: Thank you for this email. I have no doubt about the summary date of the meeting: Dear Sir, I have received it. Thank you.

I have no doubt about the summary of the meeting. I've been thinking about the promotion plan these two days. Although it sounds good, as I mentioned at the meeting, it's far from perfect.

Maybe we'd better do some market research before implementing the plan.




2:向顾客道歉,How to write an apology letter to a teacher, starting with "dear", when you find that you have to apologize to the teacher, it means that there is something wrong with the respect of the students and teachers, what you did wrong, or what you did not do. Describe these things in the letter and state that you intend to apologize for them. If the problem is partly due to the teacher, please point out immediately where you want to apologize; if you can't skillfully point out the problem, don't point it directly; if someone is not actively accused, it's easier to admit the mistake.

Repeat that you are very sorry for this situation, you may say "it won't happen again", but in order to be convincing, you must also say why it doesn't happen again, why you apologize, why it happened in the first place, and then say how you can prevent it from happening again, and sign your name with "sincerely," or the teacher Don't think you are real. Fold the letter carefully, put it in the envelope and put it on the teacher's desk.






3:给客户的道歉,Dear English teacher, I come here to apologize for what I have done to you. I know you want to see us become better. But we let you down in class.

We didn't take it seriously. We didn't even recite words. I'm sorry to make you cry today.

I swear to God that this will not happen again, your sincere students.




标签: 高二 英文 作文 万能 客户

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