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关于”我的性格“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:My character。以下是关于我的性格的高三英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My character

Character analysis different people have different personalities. If we want to get along with other people, we'd better understand their personalities so that we won't step on a mine. For example, when we meet a patient person, we can express our opinions slowly, but when we meet a grumpy person, we'd better express our opinions as soon as possible, and stay away from him when he loses his temper.

If we meet a person who loves to cry but doesn't bite, what we take is to stick to one sentence. Different people will accept different ways of communication, analyze their personality, and help people get good harvest in interpersonal communication.




2:,In my opinion, the shaping of a person's character is designed before he is born to some extent. The genes inherited by his parents may play an important role in shaping his personality after his birth. This is the biggest internal cause rather than the external cause in my eyes.

As we all know, a person's experience has a great influence on his character. In other words, our personality grows through experience In the process, these two reasons work together to shape a person's character, among which external factors account for a larger proportion. Therefore, my conclusion is that both internal and external factors will affect a person's personality, but the acquired experience and education determine most of it.




3:我的性格,When we talk about celebrities, we all want to know how they are successful, and we all admire their special virtues, which make them successful. Obviously, as far as I am concerned, many successful people share some common personality traits. I think persistence, prudence, prudence, confidence and courage are the most important.

First of all, I think persistence should be ranked before the other three personality traits, because we all know that a person can't always achieve his goal successfully the first time. There are many obstacles waiting for him. If he doesn't persist in trying and breaking through again and again, he will fail many times before he wins.

In this way, he will not move and he can't move forward without progress, Even retrogression, if a person does not adhere to the personality, can not ultimately achieve the goal. Second, a person who wants to succeed should also have the characteristics of prudence. The inventor of the light bulb gave a good example to explain.

It is said that the inventor tried to make the filament of light bulb with thousands of metals in order to find the most suitable metal to make the light of lamp longer and brighter. I think that if there is no very careful work, inventors will not succeed in the end. A self-made person should work cautiously and sometimes even do some trivial things carefully.

For example, when scientists or mathematicians deal with a complex problem, if they make a small mistake, their previous efforts will be wasted. Caution is necessary. In addition, self-made people are confident and brave.

If a soldier loses the confidence and courage to fight in the battlefield, fate will not help him. I believe that he does not have the wealth to survive successfully. Therefore, people who want to achieve their goals in their work should be confident and brave.

My view on the success of those celebrities is that they persist in working hard, do things carefully, have confidence in themselves and have the courage to overcome any difficulties. This is the reason why they can become celebrities and be respected.








标签: 高三 作文 万能 性格

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