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关于”询问朋友的境况“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Ask about a friend。以下是关于询问朋友的境况的高二英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Ask about a friend

First of all, I chose a good topic, wrote the speech draft, and then asked the teacher to help me change it. I tried to familiarize myself with the manuscript of Yanjiang communication. I designed some speech gestures for myself during the speech.

I tried to relax myself. I was not nervous after I went to the stage, and my speech level was very good. In addition, I paid attention to wearing proper clothes and shaping the image In order to improve my image, in short, I think this is a great success.

Finally, the jury decided that I was the first one. It was great.




2:,Dear Tracy, I'm very glad to hear from you. I'd like to write a letter to understand why you are not in Skype's English study group these days. I look forward to your early reply at your convenience.

I wish you health and success. Sincerely, Tom.




3:询问朋友的境况,Dear Jordan, I'm glad to hear from you, and now I'm writing to tell you about the courses we took in senior two. The school provides us with many elective courses for us to choose from. I choose photography and badminton.

The reason why I choose photography is that I like taking pictures. I want to learn how to take good photos. In fact, I learned a lot in this course.

Now I have started to take better photos. Two of them are awarded by the school. I took badminton class last semester mainly because of this A simple form of exercise, which is very good for my health.

Badminton course has taught me the basic skills and rules of the game. I believe I will become a better player. In general, the elective course has added fun to our school life.

Looking forward to your next letter.


亲爱的乔丹,我很高兴收到你的来信,现在我写信告诉你一些我们在高二时选修的课程。学校为我们提供了许多选修课程,供我们选择,我选择摄影和羽毛球我之所以选择摄影是因为我喜欢拍照,我想学习如何拍好照片事实上我在这门课上学到了很多东西,现在已经开始拍出更好的照片了,其中两个是学校颁发的,我上学期上羽毛球课主要是因为这是一种简单的锻炼形式,这对我的身体健康有很大的好处羽毛球课程教会了我基本的技巧和比赛规则,我相信我会成为一个更好的球员,总的来说,选修课有为我们学校的生活增添了乐趣期待着你的下一封信wordsYoursLi Hua。


标签: 高二 英文 作文 万能 朋友

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