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关于”写保护学校环境“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Write to protect the school environment。以下是关于写保护学校环境的雅思英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Write to protect the school environment

Affected by the sandstorm that hit northern Shandong, I think it is our responsibility to plant trees and protect the environment. There used to be a lot of trees here, but now people destroy the forest in order to develop more arable land. At that time, the climate changed and desertification was serious.

Therefore, we should all know that planting trees is our responsibility.




2:写一篇保护学校环境的文章,The earth is our home. We have the responsibility to take care of it for ourselves and our future generations. More and more people have realized that the government has taken measures to deal with these problems.

The government has passed laws to stop pollution. I hope this problem can be solved in the near future. Our home will be better and better.

Harmony with the environment is where we live On earth, man is a natural son, not just a conqueror based on nature. As we all know, there is only one earth and mountains on the earth. Animals plant human cells.

If it destroys or destroys natural organizations and wants to eliminate human beings, it is necessary to connect the environment with social ethics. Character education and practice are an important part of it, and everyone must We must fulfill the responsibility and obligation of protecting the environment.




3:写保护学校环境,We should love our school, protect our school environment, clean and comfortable environment is very important, because it can make our health and happiness, this is our responsibility, in order to protect our school environment, we should clean the school every day, we should not litter everywhere, we should pick it up, when we see the garbage on the ground, if we all like it Happy our school, we should not paint on the wall, because we like our home, our school will be more beautiful, we will better enjoy our study, let us protect our environment, school from now on, OK.




标签: 雅思 作文 万能 环境 保护

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