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关于”友善待人的事例“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Examples of being friendly。以下是关于友善待人的事例的专八英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Examples of being friendly

Strangely, our own sins seem to be much lighter than those of others. I think the reason is that we know all the circumstances that lead to these sins, and try to forgive in ourselves what we cannot forgive. We turn our attention away from our own shortcomings.

When we are forced to think about them by unfortunate events, we easily forgive them because of me Knowing that we are right to do so, they are part of us, and we must accept our own good and bad together; but when we judge others, we judge them not by ourselves, but by our own image. We ignore all the things that offend our vanity or will destroy us in the eyes of the world, just to give a trivial example Zi: when we find out that someone is lying, we can say that he has never said one, how contemptuous we are. But there are not many choices among 100 people.

They are a mixture of greatness and smallness, virtue and evil, nobility and baseness. Some people have stronger personalities or have more opportunities. Therefore, in a certain direction, their instincts will play more freely, But in my opinion, they may be the same.

I don't think I'm better or worse than most people, but I know that if I write down every action in my life and every thought in my mind, the whole world will think of me as a degenerate monster. All people have such fantasies, which should encourage people to be tolerant of themselves and others, if they can make us look at our companions, even the most outstanding and respected people, with a humorous eye, and make us take ourselves seriously.




2:友好的例子,Don't forget your original intention and run all the way. In this case, on the road of life, as long as you have a goal, you will never give up, no matter how many difficulties and obstacles ahead, you can persist in the end, do not forget the original heart, run all the way, you want to not far away from this situation, in the case of accelerating the pace of life, even your mood will become faster and faster, in order to meet Take the best state of the day challenge, you can only worry alone at night, even when you wake up the next day with it to sleep, you have to put it in a corner of your heart, to focus on the new day, the past sadness, you can only quietly in the night, the next day even tears all wake up, you have to find a way to cover up the haggard face, tell everyone that you are good every day, you will have There are a lot of things to do, there will be endless problems waiting for you to solve. Don't turn too much time into negative emotions, but also adjust your emotions in the shortest time, and then continue to run forward.

You will feel very tired, but you will not choose to give up, because the goal you want to achieve may be your dream, maybe for the most important person, you can stick to the present, and Make up your mind to stick to it. In this case, there will always be a section on the road of life, even those that you need to trudge through. Don't worry, don't despair.

Remember your goal, move forward bravely, and walk a long way. As long as you don't stop and run all the time, there will always be a moment to complete, but as long as you give up, you may never regret it The road is flat, you still have to forget the original heart, run all the way, run through all the ups and downs, toward your goal.




3:友善待人的事例,What an important word Krista Chen's family is. We must often hear people say, why can you be so nice to strangers, but it's terrible to those who love you so much. I think that's because you know that they will never leave you, and they will eventually forgive you.

This is a very common phenomenon, especially among teenagers, sometimes people regard family love as Of course, it's normal for the family. For us, parents are our most important family. In my opinion, we can put future husbands and children in the same place, but never higher than where they don't exist, and then we don't exist.

Their love is so great that they don't ask for anything in return. As time goes by, we grow up, and then I begin to think that the role of good parents to me is when they will give up themselves Play with us, in order to let you live a comfortable life, they work so hard to make us happy, the world is not around us, but our family, so your parents are the same, please be good to your family.




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