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关于”有关money“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:About money。以下是关于有关money的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:About money

Most people think that we can do anything with money. If you have a lot of money, you are considered successful. If you don't have money, you will be looked down upon.

Money can make us live a rich life, but not necessarily a happy life. Sometimes some people do some bad things to make money, so they are not happy, because they are always afraid that we should make money and spend reasonably. Money is necessary in our life.

When we have a lot of money, we will have a rich life. Most people think that if we have money, we can do anything. I don't think so.

Some people have a lot of money but they are not happy because their money is obtained by improper means. They always live a life of fear. Money often makes people do bad things.

Even if it is illegal activities, we should make money. If we use it reasonably, we will be happy wealth.





2:,Money is your life partner. Money is your life partner. It destroys your happiness and suddenly abandons you as a fake friend.

Market economy tells us that everyone should make a living by selling things, teaching knowledge, workers selling labor, and farmers selling agricultural products. It seems that money from selling agricultural products is more powerful than anything else, which drives people crazy. The temptation of money often challenges people's honor.

We are not ashamed to earn more money through sweat to live a better life. However, there is a general concern that no matter whether millionaires make any contribution to them or not, they will become heroes. Some people in our society try their best to make a lot of money, and the result is often depravity, corruption and crime.

Although money is indispensable in our life, dirty money may drag us into hell. There are many things that money can't buy, and we will not give up Keep our honor intact at all costs, because this is our soul's love for money and the root of all evils. I would rather die than humiliate myself for money.





3:有关money,Money is valuable, but money is not everything. There are a lot of precious things. We can't buy time with money.

How much time does it take? How much wisdom does healthy love have? I bet no one knows that they are priceless. Money can't be bought. So do you still think that money is all wealth.




标签: 高分 四年级 作文 年级 美文

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