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关于”你一件饰品“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:You have an ornament。以下是关于你一件饰品的高三英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:You have an ornament

They are practical gifts and men's personal goods. Funny voice, Swiss Army knife, jigsaw, car, keychain, assembly model, projection lamp, water lamp, sound music, massage goggles. There is no special meaning.

I really hope it can help you. I wish you friendship forever. Razor, lighter.

If it's for boys, it's a little practical, such as wallet, wallet Handbags, watches, or things you lack in life, you will become friends more intimate Oh, hot weather is coming, send a small fan is a good choice oh, humidifier, music pillow and other gifts are girls love oh beauty equipment, men are more interested in, if you can give some girls love, see what hobbies, send TA love Things, according to your understanding, the first thing to give a gift to this friend is to express a kind of intention. No matter the value, you don't know whether your friend is a boy or a girl, you can decide according to the specific situation. If you like music box, you can consider sending some trinkets and pendants.




2:你有一件装饰品,The importance of accessories do you feel that you are not fashionable? Have you ever thought about how to keep up with the new trend if your answer is yes, and then don't worry that many people think they have to dress in a certain way. Fashion is a reflection of your personality. Don't let other people's opinions affect your way of dressing.

It's important not to force yourself to choose your fashion. You may not be able to bring one If it doesn't suit your personality, fashion should be interesting. If you don't have the courage to try a brand-new wardrobe, don't be afraid to try new styles.

Accessories are the solution. Just change your accessories, you can save money, and then you can keep up with the latest trends, such as accessories such as bags, belts, hats, a scarf or other accessories Jewelry can really change your appearance. For example, a pair of jeans and a T-shirt can make different clothes for different activities.

At present, sports styling is very popular. You may want a baseball cap and sweat band accessories, or bring a sports bag to add some charm. You can wear a silk scarf as a belt, or you can wear jewelry such as metal bracelets and a pair of jewelry Some hanging earrings, these will make your appearance into a charming Gypsy style, no matter what style you choose, remember that fashion should be fun, and most importantly, it should be about you.




3:你一件饰品,The importance of accessories do you think you are not fashionable? Have you ever thought about how to keep up with the new trend if your answer is yes, don't worry. Many people think they must dress in a certain way. Fashion is a reflection of your personality.

Don't let other people's opinions affect your way of dressing. It's important not to force yourself to choose your fashion. You may not be able to inherit a new one If it doesn't suit your personality, fashion should be fun, so don't be so afraid to try new styles.

If you don't have the courage to try a new wardrobe, accessories are the solution. Just change your accessories, you'll save money, and then you can keep up with the latest trends. Adding accessories like bags, belts, hats, scarves or jewelry can really change your face For example, a pair of jeans and T-shirt can be made into different clothes, suitable for different occasions, sports style is very popular, you may want to wear baseball cap and sweat band accessories, or bring a sports bag to add some charm, you can use silk scarf as a belt, or you can wear jewelry, such as metal bracelets and some hanging earrings, which will make your appearance attractive Whatever style you choose, keep in mind that fashion should be fun and, most importantly, it should be about you.




标签: 高三 英文 高分 作文

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