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关于”崇拜梅西“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Worship Messi。以下是关于崇拜梅西的托福英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Worship Messi

Personal information name: Lionel Andres Messi location: striker birthplace: Santa Fe (Argentina) date: height:

1 'weight: Statistics Old boys of the junior team, I made amazing progress at all ages, kept climbing in different youth teams, and then entered the bar.




2:敬拜梅西,Messi (born in June, Argentine footballer, currently playing for Barcelona and Argentina national teams, is considered one of the best football players of his generation and is often regarded as the best contemporary player in the world. Messi won several golden ball awards and FIFA Player of the year nomination at the age of, and won this with his style and ability Two nominations have made him compare to football legend Diego Maradona, who claims Messi to be his "successor." Lionel Messi started playing at a young age and his potential was soon discovered by Barcelona. He left Rosario's Newell's old boys' youth team and moved to Europe with his family because Barcelona provided him with the treatment of growth hormone deficiency, which made him debut this season.

The youngest player to join the league and the youngest player to score goals in the league, followed by Barcelona's first season at Messi to win the La Liga championship and In his breakthrough season, he won both the league and the Champions League - he became a regular in the first team, scored a hat trick in elsico, and perhaps his most successful season in the League was - the season in which Messi's goals played an indispensable role in the three wins in a row. Messi was the number one shooter in FIFA's World Youth Championships, with six goals He became the youngest Argentinian to participate in the FIFA World Cup. He won the runnersup medal in the Americas Cup in Beijing the following year.

Together with the Argentine Olympic football team, he won his first international honor, an Olympic gold medal.




3:崇拜梅西,Lionel Andres Messi, born in Argentina in June, joined a football club in, and began playing there at the age of only. Messi played in Barcelona for many years. He not only took part in the first game, but also won the game when he was alive.

He became one of the best, youngest and most popular football players.




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