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关于”英化和中国文化的差异用文章“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Differences between English and Chinese culture。以下是关于英化和中国文化的差异用文章的初三英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Differences between English and Chinese culture

Egypt is one of the four ancient civilizations in the world. As early as B.C., Egypt was united by nice in the south of the United States and established a slavery Dynasty. At this time, Egyptian culture was becoming mature and began to use hieroglyphs.

The Pharaohs established an absolute monarchy. In the past dynasties, a number of pyramids and sphinxes, known as the world miracle, were built It was conquered by Assyria, Persia and Rome in the 7th century BC. In the year of the incorporation of the Byzantine Empire in the middle of the century AD, the Arabian invasion of Egypt and Egypt, along with the emergence of a province's Babbitt Dynasty, Chinese traditional culture began to attract the attention of the world.

This is a fact, although the popular culture traditionally considered to be the West began to spread in China, in particular, it had a huge impact on millions of people who first understood China. Through this, they may come to China and learn about other aspects of Chinese culture, such as traditional opera in Beijing and Sichuan. Asian nations have long known the greatness of ancient Chinese culture.

Their own culture is a mixture of local culture. Chinese with Chinese characteristics, such as Confucianism, continue to this day, even though it is challenged by popular culture. This power comes from the thoughts of the four Confucian books (the great university, the golden mean, the Analects of Confucius, and Mencius).

These books are based on the thoughts of an older period. These ideas are incorporated into the five classics. The west learns from Fengshui and other Chinese unique concepts.

China has taken measures to establish Chinese cultural centers in the United States and Europe to promote the spread of its culture. Although Chinese culture and Egyptian culture are different, they have a great influence on the world.





2:英汉文化差异,The difference between eastern and Western cultures my dream is to study abroad in the future. I always have that kind of life which can be realized soon. But before I realize my dream, I have to make some preparations.

I think the first thing I have to do is to adapt to the life there. It is said that there are great differences between eastern and Western cultures. If I knew nothing about it, I would easily have a cultural conflict, which would put me in an awkward situation.

For example, dragon is the leader of all animals. In China, it has the meaning of sacred good, but in western countries it means violence. I need to learn as much as possible about cultural conflicts to make my life overseas easier.




3:英化和中国文化的差异用文章,Ladies and gentlemen, I am very happy to introduce a very beautiful girl, Miss Brown, she is a very good teacher from the United States, ladies and gentlemen, I am very happy to introduce a new teacher from the United States, Miss Ann Brown, she is an American literature doctor with experience in teaching English as a foreign language: what's the matter with your pale face Doctor: I have a cold. Maybe it's Chinese: go to see a doctor and drink more water. What medicine have you taken? Chinese medicine works very well.

You want to wear more clothes and eat some good restaurants: you are not my mother. You are "take care of yourself. I hope you will get better soon." I'm sorry to hear that.

It's too bad to hear that (you have a cold, I hope you will get better soon). How do you feel now Is it? " "I'd like to make an appointment with you. When are you free / free? When can we get together next week?" How would you suggest coming to my house for dinner this Saturday? I'd like to know when it's convenient for you? I wonder if we can arrange a meeting.

Are you free? Do you have any plans for this weekend? I have friends around on weekends. Would you like to join us.




标签: 中国 初三 作文 差异 文化

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