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关于”我想给你提个建议“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:I want to give you a suggestion。以下是关于我想给你提个建议的初一英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:I want to give you a suggestion

An elegant girl, of course, no matter where she goes, no matter what she does, has a kind of nonverbal attraction that we can't ignore. Her smile is more beautiful than peacock. Her voice and such a girlfriend listen very happily.

I will be very happy every time. A beautiful appearance is far from enough. Considerate personality is essential.

I want a girl Child, she can encourage me when I'm depressed, comfort me when I'm hurt, forgive me when I'm angry, forgive me when I'm sad, warn me when I'm complacent that I want a girl who doesn't like to waste money, and understand the real meaning of spending with such a girl, the distractions will disappear. In addition, my ideal girlfriend should She is ambitious. She works hard in her studies.

She always tries to be a leader in her field. However, no matter whether she is successful or her work level is low, she should be modest. Therefore, she will always be the last key figure who is invincible and respected.

I want a girlfriend who shares the same belief with me. She loves Jin Yong's novels and believes in this great sentence A real knight should do more than anything for the country and people. She can share her feelings and understanding of what we should do.

Our society is better. She has a broad mind, so she can understand many complicated things.




2:我想给你一个建议,A man burned two ears, so they asked him in the hospital what was going on. He said, "I'm ironing clothes and the phone, not the phone. I picked up the iron and ironed my ear." "but how did you burn the other ear?" the doctor asked, "what do you think I call you people?".




3:我想给你提个建议,Speaking of my best friend, I would like to mention my good friend Li Zhe. I have known him for many years and have been by my side. First of all, I would like to briefly introduce my Li Zhe.

He has three shining personalities: he is easygoing to everything, has the desire to learn, and will always be with me. When I face difficulties, there is no doubt that an outgoing and optimistic person will attract his friends. So does my dear Li Xiansheng.

He always has a happy and friendly smile on his face. He can have good manners and sweetness When talking about his desire for learning, what I want to say is that he is absolutely a loyal supporter of "the sea of books". From the age of, after countless reading efforts, he has learned a lot.

From science to humanities and art, he has read more than one book, which seems to be the third most versatile person in various fields The most touching thing he did for me was that no matter how difficult I was, he was always with me. For example, when I couldn't go to school because of illness, I was worried that I would perform badly in the final exam. My dear Li Zhe came to me every day to help me absorb the knowledge I had to learn.

His friendly help deeply moved me. Therefore, in his company, he taught me how to laugh, how to love, how to win the respect of smart people, and how to live a relaxed life. That's why I think my dear Li Zhe is my best friend.




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