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关于”读的价值和意义“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:The value and significance of reading。以下是关于读的价值和意义的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The value and significance of reading

Today, when I was passing by a special shop, there were all kinds of interesting things. I liked them very much. But I didn't have enough money on hand.

I had to make a choice. I finally decided to buy something for my father because I thought its value was more important. My father bought so many things for me, and now I want to be for him.




I think everyone needs friends. Friends are like a gentle wind, a bunch of beautiful sunshine to be exact. They can give you a lot of things you want when you are happy.

You can share your happiness with your friends when you are not happy. Your friends can also help you. Your friends may have many different possibilities, some of them Will play very happy with you, some people may have a pleasant conversation with you, of course, you can also talk with some of them, hear us can't say what kind of friends we need most, because every kind of friend is necessary.

Once I have an old saying like this: friends are thieves of time, I want to know that I can't understand it exactly, I think friends and The thief is a joke, so I asked my foreign teacher. She told me that it was because some people think that everyone is working most of the time, and friends may take up your time, so they are thieves of your time. I think it's very interesting.

I even want to ask them, don't you think you are happy? It's not very important to be with friends if one has no friends, I can't imagine his life in this world. If a person has a good friend, even if he has only one, I think he may be the luckiest person in the world,.




When it comes to the value of work, different people hold different views. A group of people think that work is just a way of life. They hope that they can earn as much money as possible with as little as possible.

The more money they make and the less time they spend, the more value the work brings to another person. The value of work is measured in money. Some people think that we should work for our dreams just because we love this job and focus our time and energy on the things we love, so that we can achieve the purpose of our work, contribute to social development and improve ourselves.

In my opinion, I agree that this work is a kind of equipment, but it is not all valuable work. When choosing a job, we should measure rewards and our dreams. I believe that people will make more efforts on what they like, and one day they will get the reward they deserve.

That's the value of work in my mind.





标签: 大学 英文 高分 作文 专业

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