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关于”身体畸形“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Body deformity。以下是关于身体畸形的考研英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Body deformity

As we all know, the study work of high school is very heavy, and the daily courses often exceed the class hours, including the evening, the study time is more than hours every day, and there is no weekend, high school students are exhausted after school, and are not willing to do physical exercise again, which is not only harmful to health, but also harmful to learning. Teenagers must do enough exercise to keep healthy and grow tall. Physical exercise can make people strong, relaxed and replenish energy so as to learn more effectively.

Therefore, high school students should do physical exercise, they can do some sports, such as playing football or basketball, running, swimming and so on.




:head the top Head of advertisement: Temple: face: cheek: cheekbones: eyes: eyebrows: eyelashes: eyelids: eyeballs: iris: ears: eardrum: auditory nasal tube: nose: nostrils: nose: brdge's nose: middle ear: mouth: lips: tongue: teeth (teeth): crown: gum: root: enamel: hard palate: soft palate: uvula: tonsil: human umbilical cord: pharynx: Chin : chin: jaw: neck: throat: throat: neck: neck: neck: neck: back: trunk: back: shoulder: armpit: chest: chest: nipple: waist: navel Bailey Button: abdomen: upper abdomen: lower abdomen abdomen abdomen: groin: buttocks: buttonship botto button: genitalia: limbs: arm: upper arm: forearm: hook) arm: elbow: wrist: hand: back hand: Palm Hand: finger: thumb: index finger: index finger: middle finger: Ring little finger: finger nail: leg: thigh: leg: leg: knee: knee joint: knee bone: hollow knee knee: leg: ankle: foot (foot): instep: Sole: Heel: toe: toenail: internal organs: respiratory tract: digestive catheter: trachea trachea: thyroid gland: Lymph node: esophagus: esophagus: lung: heart: artery: vein: blood capillary: diaphragm gastrointestinal tract intestine: stomach (stomach): duodenum: liver: final assembly bladder: Accessories: intestine: large intestine: colon: small intestine: rectum: anus: spleen: pancreas: urogenital system: ureter: kidney: bladder: urethra: bone and skeleton: skull: muscle: chest muscle: abdominal muscle: deltoid: muscle: muscle Tendons: nerves: central nervous system: brain: brain: cerebellum: cranial nerves: motor nerves: sensory neuroendocrine glands pituitary and renal glands.


:head the top crown)他头上的头发广告负责人:神庙:脸:脸颊:颧骨:眼睛:眉毛:睫毛:眼睑:眼球:学生:虹膜:耳朵:耳鼓:听觉鼻管:鼻:鼻孔:鼻腔:brdge的鼻子:中耳:嘴:嘴唇:舌头:牙齿(牙齿):冠:口香糖:根方:搪瓷:硬腭:软腭:悬雍垂:扁桃体:人声脐带:咽:钦,:下巴:颌骨:颈部:喉咙:喉:颈背)颈部,:后备箱:后:肩:腋窝:胸部:胸部:乳头:腰部:纳维尔贝利按钮:腹部:上腹部下腹部腹部:腹股沟:buttockshipsbotto按钮背侧:生殖器官:肢体:手臂:上部手臂:前臂:弯钩)的手臂:肘部:手腕:手:背面手:手掌这个手:手指:拇指:食指食指:中间手指:戒指小指:小指:手指指甲:腿:大腿:小腿小腿:膝:膝关节:膝盖骨:空心的膝盖膝盖:小腿:脚踝:脚(英尺):脚背:鞋底这个脚:脚跟:脚趾:脚趾甲:内脏内部器官:呼吸道:消化性导管:气管气管气管:甲状腺腺体:淋巴结:食道食道:肺:心脏:动脉:静脉:血液毛细管:隔膜胃肠道肠道:胃(胃):十二指肠:肝:总装机膀胱:附件:肠:大肠:结肠:小肠:直肠:肛门:脾:胰腺:泌尿生殖系统尿道:输尿管:肾:膀胱:尿道:骨头和骨架:头骨:肌肉:胸肌:腹部肌肉:三角肌:肌腱:神经:中枢神经系统:大脑:大脑:小脑:颅骨神经:运动神经:感觉神经内分泌腺垂体和肾腺。


Mike's father's room / / Chairman Mao's work / / Office tailor, barber, doctor, my sisters, stationery store, Chaplin: there are collections of Robert Browning's poems on the sofa, made of agate or ewe's milk. We accepted the invitation without hesitation. Although New York is not the capital, its population is much larger than that of Washington.

They are holding a meeting to discuss the future of Europe. We warmly welcome the delegation's successful visit. Professor Smith teaches in the Yale literature department.

The driver narrowly escaped. Now you can sing to your heart's content. For friendship, please throw stones at your friends.






标签: 考研 英文 作文 满分

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