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关于”生活中的粗鲁行为“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Rude behavior in life。以下是关于生活中的粗鲁行为的托福英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Rude behavior in life

I still remember that the first time I took the Beijing subway was early in the morning. I was in a hurry to go to school. At that time, I was preparing to buy a ticket.

I found that there were many people waiting for me, but no one did immoral behavior in public, resulting in a series of problems. One of the most serious problems is that it may have a negative impact on our sense of social responsibility We will continue to ignore the rights and feelings of others, and in turn, we will be disrespected. It is certainly not easy to improve this phenomenon from the perspective of actual implementation and cost-effectiveness.

I suggest that all sectors of society make it clear that those who do not respect the common interests will be severely punished. Therefore, more stringent policies should be formulated to correct this phenomenon as soon as possible.




What they said: a UBS trader told a broker that he wanted to profit from LIBOR manipulation: if you keep $6 (6-month yen LIBOR) unchanged today, I will make a huge deal with you, just like a dollar deal, regardless of whether I need you to lower it as much as possible, if you do, I will I'll pay you, you know, dollars, dollars, whatever you want, I'm a man of my word. UBS interbank offered rate trader a often contacts broker e of brokerage firm B to discuss the issue of interest rate manipulation that broker e told trader a in July: if you were in the It would seem suspicious to reduce your 6 million pounds on mate, especially if [panel bank and [panel bank with you] Id be careful how you play. When you enter the new month, there may be reasons for the decline, but in a few weeks you may be questioned.

Abeliborea trader replied: don't worry about staggering the decline. The broker contacted UBS traders directly. For example, in July, agent B of brokerage firm a contacted a submission person of panel bank to ask for information on the submission of yen LIBOR.

Panel bank Author: Well, make sure he (trader a) knows a broker B: Yes, he will, certainly, definitely know mate. My back is yes, a complete broker B: Yes, of course, yes, follow the rules.


他们说的话:一位瑞银交易员对一位经纪商说,他希望从伦敦银行同业拆借利率操纵中获利:如果你今天保持6美元(6个月期日元伦敦银行同业拆借利率)不变,我将和你做一笔巨大的交易,就像一笔美元交易一样,不管我需要你尽可能的降低,如果你这样做,我会付给你,你知道的,美元,美元,不管你想要什么,我是一个信守诺言的人,瑞银银行同业拆借利率交易者a经常与经纪公司B的经纪人E联系,讨论xx月份经纪人E对交易者a说的操纵利率的问题:如果你在th mate上大幅度降低你的600万英镑,那看起来会很可疑,尤其是如果[Panel Bank和[Panel Bank with you Id小心你怎么玩,当你跨入新的一个月时,可能会有下跌的原因,但几周后可能会有人质疑你,ABELIBOREA交易员回答说:别担心会错开跌势,经纪商直接联系了瑞银交易员例如,xx月,经纪公司a的经纪人B联系了panel bank的一位提交人,询问有关日元Libor提交的信息。面板银行提交人:好吧,那就确保他(交易员a)知道a经纪人B:是的,他肯定会,肯定地,肯定地认识mate我的背是的,一个完全的经纪人B:是的,当然,是的,遵守规则。


Good behavior means good behavior in social interaction. A polite person is always a pleasant partner because he always thinks about and respects others. Instead of crowding through the crowd, she waited quietly for his progress.

Good manners are not particularly great behaviors, but they can tell the person who owns them. As a person who studies the highest standard of politeness, first of all, remember that politeness comes from everyday behaviors, such as the way he reacts to others and his behavior in front of people. To be a polite person, he must be sincere, polite and respectful to others.

In a word, politeness costs nothing, but it can get everything.





标签: 托福 英文 作文 满分 生活

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