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关于”写作业的好处“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:The benefits of doing homework。以下是关于写作业的好处的高三英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The benefits of doing homework

Dear editor of English weekly, my name is Li Hua. I am a student of XXX middle school in xxxxx city. I have encountered some difficulties in English learning.

I feel it is difficult to speak out loud. I have tried my best to overcome the fasting, but I still can't. Please give me some advice from your experience, because I really need your help.

Thank you for your sincerity.




A lot of homework will affect my mood. I have a lot of homework, math language, English. When you do your homework, you will be very bored and irritable.

My good mood is affected. However, I can listen to music to adjust my mood. I hope the teacher can reduce our burden,.




Every day, we are busy studying. Our teacher often gives us a lot of homework after a hard day's work. We all feel tired.

We want to have a rest. But when we get home, we still have to do a lot of homework today. I have to do ten math problems.

I have to write a Chinese composition and recite twenty new English words. It's really hard The students in our class must become nearsighted. I hope we can have more free time to play games.




标签: 高三 英文 作文 万能 好处

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