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关于”真正的富裕“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Real wealth。以下是关于真正的富裕的高二英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Real wealth

In order to save the British navy and recover Jack's lost treasure, will and Jack try to recapture the black pearl. Pirates of the Caribbean is a grand adventure story. The story takes place when an evil pirate is fighting fiercely in the Caribbean Sea.

Their swords collide with each other. In order to save a young man in Elizabeth's roller coaster story, they are in the mysterious Isla De Under the leadership of the cursed captain Barbosa, they fight against the love of the most treacherous pirates in the world. Will Turner and Jack Sparrow, an unlikely ally of the rogue pirate Jack Sparrow, give up a fortune on the forbidden treasure, thus lifting the curse of the Caribbean Pirates.


为了拯救英国海军,以及找回杰克寻找的丢失的宝藏,威尔和杰克试图一起夺回“黑珍珠”号。加勒比海盗是一个宏大的冒险故事,故事发生在一个邪恶的海盗在加勒比海进行激烈的殊死搏斗时,他们的剑相互碰撞,为了拯救伊丽莎白这部过山车故事中的一个年轻人,他们在神秘的穆尔塔岛(isla de muerta)上,在被诅咒的巴博萨船长的带领下,他们要与世界上一伙匪夷所思的怪人生活,威尔最奸诈的海盗的爱作斗争,威尔·特纳与流氓海盗杰克·斯派洛(jacksparrow)的一个不太可能的盟友,放弃了一笔财产在被禁止的宝藏上,从而解除了加勒比海盗的诅咒。


Have you ever failed? If you haven't, I suggest you try my failure method. Many times, some failures are even painful, but I cherish my success more than I do. Success sometimes makes you numb, but failure sobers you up.

Failure is not necessarily a failure, and it is not necessarily a failure. Failure is just a name we give you. Failure is a valuable opportunity to learn new things Yes, believe me, you always remember that what you learn in failure is better than what you learn in success.

Failure doesn't mean you lose something forever. It just means that you haven't got it. You have to find another way to get it.

Isn't this a new direction of thinking? Don't pray for simple success. This is a rough prediction of failure. As long as it doesn't kill you, it will definitely make you stronger.




As I walked across the open grass, I was excited because my hand fell on the ground like an eagle. Prey, who attacked it, picked up half of a five dollar bill. I continued to look for the other half.

But I thought, in such a windy day, I looked up and couldn't find it. Somehow, I found that the other half of the bill was entangled with crabapple It's better to find two halves of a $5 bill than to work for $20.




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