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When a person has money, he can do what he wants to do. Once he has money, he can do what he wants to do (no one can deny the importance of money. No one can deny the importance of money.

Freshwater is the most important thing on earth. Freshwater is the most important thing in the world. Mary is very friendly to my sister because she wants to Let her be her bridesmaid.

Mary is very friendly to my sister because she wants my sister to be her bridesmaid. We can learn about the society through our own service, and we can also know the society through our own service.




The mismatch between the BBC's private culture and its public stance, and the possibility that the BBC may try to cover up the accusation of child abuse by TV host Jimmy Saville is a serious matter for any broadcaster. This is particularly difficult for the BBC, which has played a leading role in promoting human and civil rights since the S There's the threat of predators to women and children BBC (Jimmy Saville buccab former star show host Esther rantzen has led the popular consumer affairs show "that life" for years, at crookham hall Hall's boarding school, she later created a children's hotline to protect children from abuse: a counseling service launched in the BBC's "children's watch" founded by ranzen, since then, she has provided an hour's telephone line for the abused children for her festivals and charities. From the s to the present, the atmosphere of the BBC has been a positive proposition That is, abusive behavior that may have been ignored or despised in the past is unforgivable (Esther rantzen) BBC Therefore, the BBC's accusation of hypocrisy and its criticism of the mismatch between its public and private actions (or inaction) because it promotes a culture of caring for the weak and ignores the rumors that one of the biggest stars abuse the weak, because its private culture does not keep up with its public stance BBC its familiar tabloid tormentors, the sun and the daily mail, have been hypocritical in the elite here, and they have a big goal, and they attack with greater force than usual: after months of attacks on suspicious behavior, they believe they have a higher moral foundation, in the evidence the company submitted to leveson's media ethics investigation and the verbal statements of senior management In the evidence, they emphasize the BBC's cautious attitude towards its writers and the public, and the public trust cultivated and enjoyed by the daily mail and the sun is retaliating: they are merciless in their reports and editorials, and the sun has even launched a campaign to strip Sir Saville of his title.


英国广播公司(BBC)的私人文化与公众立场的不匹配,关于BBC可能试图掩盖电视节目主持人吉米•萨维尔虐待儿童的指控,对任何一家广播公司来说都是一件严重的事情,这对BBC来说尤其困难,自世纪年代以来,它在促进人权和公民权利方面发挥了主导作用,并突出了掠夺者对妇女和儿童的威胁 BBC)•(吉米·萨维勒布卡布 前明星节目主持人埃丝特·兰岑(Esther Rantzen)多年来一直领导着广受欢迎的消费者事务节目《生命》(That Life),在一所名为克鲁克汉姆霍尔(Crookham Hall)的寄宿学校,她后来创建了儿童热线,以保护儿童免受虐待:在兰岑创建的BBC名为“儿童观察”的节目中启动的咨询服务,从那时起,她就为受虐儿童提供了一个小时的电话线,供她的节目和慈善事业使用从年代到现在,英国广播公司的风气是一种积极的主张,即以前可能被忽视或轻视的虐待行为,是不可原谅的 •(Esther Rantzen)BBC(这是LifeCrookham HallbcchildwatchChildlineBBCBBC 因此,BBC对伪善的指控,以及对其公共和私人行为(或不作为)不匹配的批评,因为它是在提倡一种关心弱者的文化的同时,它忽视了一个最大的明星虐待弱者的传闻,因为它的私人文化没有跟上它的公共立场 bbcbc 它熟悉的小报折磨者,太阳报和每日邮报,在这里的精英阶层中一直充满虚伪,他们有一个大目标,他们用比平常更大的力量攻击:在数月来对可疑行为的攻击之后,他们认为自己拥有更高的道德基础,在公司提交给Leveson媒体道德调查的证据和高级管理层的口头证据中,他们强调了BBC对待其撰稿人和公众的谨慎态度,《每日邮报》和《太阳报》培养和享有的公众信任正在报复:他们在报道和社论中毫不留情,太阳报甚至发起了一场剥夺萨维尔爵士头衔的运动。


When a person has money, he can do what he wants to do. Once he has money, he can do what he wants to do (no one can deny the importance of money. No one can deny the importance of money.

Freshwater is the most important thing on earth. Freshwater is the most important thing in the world. Mary is very friendly to my sister because she wants to Let her be her bridesmaid.

Mary is very friendly to my sister, because she wants my sister to be her bridesmaid. We can learn about the society through our own service. We can also learn about the society through our own service.

I believe I can do well. I will better understand the world outside the campus.




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