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关于”妇女节的加“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Women's day plus。以下是关于妇女节的加的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Women's day plus

Today is the international women's day in March, which is to commemorate the world's working women's struggle for peace and democracy, and women's liberation struggle. Since yesterday, I discussed with my father how to make my mother happy during the festival. I first put forward a suggestion: "buy a new mobile phone for my mother." my father thought about it and said, "my mother soon bought a mobile phone, you can use it, there is no need to change it." Dad said, "I We went out to buy some cosmetics, and there was "I objected:" Mom's cosmetics are too much, many of them are useless.

"My father and I were very anxious, and finally got her point of view. We simply asked her what she wanted, but my mother said," I don't want to buy, I just want to sleep. "I don't know why my mother is like this, but I know my mother is more difficult to control than college students In the daytime, chatting, holding meetings, writing papers, filling in materials, giving classes to students, and so on, I would like to check the study in my bedroom with my classmates in the evening.

If it was me, my mother would like to do nothing but sleep. My father and I were determined to give my mother a gift of "International Women's Day". When I came back to buy things, my mother was shocked.

My father bought me a pair of goggles and A pillow, my mother smiles and wishes my mother a happy women's day.




Today is the international women's day in March, which is to commemorate the world's working women's struggle for peace and democracy, and women's liberation struggle. Since yesterday, I discussed with my father how to make my mother happy during the festival. I first put forward a suggestion: "buy a new mobile phone for my mother." my father thought about it and said, "my mother soon bought a mobile phone, you can use it, there is no need to change it." Dad said, "I We went out to buy some cosmetics, and there was "I objected:" Mom's cosmetics are too much, many of them are useless.

"My father and I were very anxious, and finally got her point of view. We simply asked her what she wanted, but my mother said," I don't want to buy, I just want to sleep. "I don't know why my mother is like this, but I know my mother is more difficult to control than college students In the daytime, chatting, holding meetings, writing papers, filling in materials, giving classes to students, and so on, I would like to check the study in my bedroom with my classmates in the evening.

If it was me, my mother would like to do nothing but sleep. My father and I were determined to give my mother a gift of "International Women's Day". When I came back to buy things, my mother was shocked.

My father bought me a pair of goggles and A pillow, my mother smiles and wishes my mother a happy women's day.




Direction: women have made great contributions to the progress of modern society, but there are still some people who disagree with this. Recently, some people discussed this issue in the newspaper and wrote an article to the newspaper according to the following outline the role of women in modern society prejudice and discrimination against women my comment women play an important role in modern society. Many women are now engaged in professions such as medicine, law and engineering.

They occupy a large part in offices and factories, and many of their jobs are also in line with their special abilities of gender. Some of them are holding important positions mainly held by men in the past, and even some enterprises wholly run by women. Women have made outstanding contributions to the progress of modern society, but in modern society of China, there are still women's special abilities Women's prejudice and discrimination.

First of all, some people think that it is difficult for women to do a lot of work done by men. Women are not strong enough in their eyes, and women are weak - both physically and emotionally. Therefore, women can only do housework.

Women's position is in the protection environment of the family. They believe that the world's famous scientists and politicians are ultimately men, They assert that the whole society seems to be dominated by men all the time. Men should enjoy more rights than women.

I firmly stand on the side of those women's rights defenders, because in human activities, men and women are equally important, and they should stand on an equal footing.


: 方向:女性对现代社会的进步做出了巨大的贡献,但仍有一些人不同意这一点。最近有人在报纸上讨论这个问题,根据以下提纲给报纸写一篇文章 妇女在现代社会中的作用 对妇女的偏见和歧视 我的评论 妇女在现代社会中起着重要的作用。现在许多妇女都在从事职业,如医学、法律和工程。



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