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关于”对时尚的看法“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Views on fashion。以下是关于对时尚的看法的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Views on fashion

Fashion is a popular style and custom in a specific period. It is most commonly used to describe the fashion style. People like to pursue fashion for the purpose of beauty.

We can find that the company promotes different styles in different seasons, which has positive significance for the pursuit of fashion. On the one hand, fashion promotes the economic development. When the company introduces new styles, people will have a positive impact on the product production They are eager and willing to spend money to buy, which also gives the company the impetus to develop new products.

The pursuit of fashion should be controlled within a certain limit. Some people pursue fashion only to show off, so they buy as many new products as possible. As we all know, new styles are very expensive, not everyone can afford them, some of them even borrow money to buy these products.

These are all unwise It is acceptable that people want to look beautiful, but we should spend money on a certain level.




2:时尚观,I think fashion is a trend. When our eyes are attracted by amazing boutiques, when our hearts are occupied by colorful wonders, when our bodies and consciousness are eager to find it, we are pursuing fashion, that is to say, beautify our life and decorate our life. In fact, everyone has the right to pursue fashion, dress up ourselves, and sometimes we can be serious It doesn't hurt them to look at fashion carefully, but it can also help us understand the epidemic better and improve our self appreciation.




3:对时尚的看法,Fashion trend, whether it is about clothing, music, accessories, or any other field of life, reflects the personality and interest of an age group and a society. A ever-changing lifestyle changes with the changes of time, economic conditions, social problems and various other factors. It will self-renewal, and then quickly disappear, waiting for the next opportunity to reproduce clothing The change of dress style and music conveys the vibration of youth: short skirts, big earrings, purse with animal patterns, rap music, and screaming rock songs all indicate the change of time.

Occasionally, the old style will return with the attention of the current generation to clothing. Waiting for the next opportunity to reappear, big earrings and the ever-changing way of life all indicate the times The turning point, economic situation, animal pattern wallet, rap music fashion changes over time, social problems, fashion trends, and other factors reflect the personality and interest of an age group. The screaming generation of rock stars presents new expression through fashion, and the style change of clothing and music conveys the young vitality, and the old style returns to Today: miniskirts, or other areas of life, they renew themselves and soon disappear, a society, music.




标签: 高分 九年级 作文 年级 看法

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