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关于”电脑的使用“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Use of computers。以下是关于电脑的使用的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Use of computers

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Nowadays, as we enter a new era full of new things and new technologies, using computers has become a common and necessary skill in our work and study. However, computers bring some problems as well as some advantages. On the one hand, computers bring us many conveniences and benefits to our work to a great extent.

For example, those who are familiar with the use of computers not only have more opportunities to access more information and knowledge, but also have higher learning and working efficiency. Especially for college students and technical workers, computers have made great contributions to the development of communication Offer. We can communicate with people from different places through computers, but we don't have to meet them in person.

On the other hand, there are some problems caused by the use of computers. For example, a large number of computer games pose a great threat to the growth and development of some children and students. Even some adults are so obsessed with computer games that they can't concentrate on their study and work and can only play games day and night.

This makes their parents very worried about the advantages and disadvantages of computer games. I suggest that we make full use of its advantages and try to avoid its disadvantages.





Although the computer is the most common technical equipment, many people are not familiar with its use. It is usually used to browse the Internet, download files, create documents, store information and entertainment, so as to browse on the Internet. A search engine that needs wired or WiFi connection is variable according to the needs of users.

For example, Yahoo, Baidu, Google and Microsoft office provide various formats of documents. The most hard disk can be internal or external, and can be used to store documents Files, pictures, music and video files, watching movies, playing games or listening to music are the basic entertainment activities that computers can do.




标签: 作文 万能 专业 电脑

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