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关于”校园实践“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Campus practice。以下是关于校园实践的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Campus practice

Students have been told not to cheat since the first exam. Every student lists the disadvantages of cheating, but there are still a few who cheat in exams. Those who don't master what they should learn and believe in luck are likely to cheat.

They don't study hard during the semester. When they realize that the exam is coming, they spend most of their time sleeping or doing nothing It's too late to write down the whole semester's knowledge, so it seems that in order to pass the exam, they have no choice but to peek at other people's papers or books, or even find someone to take the exam. In addition, the way some subjects are tested makes cheating easier.

For example, the answers to some test papers can be found directly from textbooks or notes, so it is easy for some people to get high marks through cheating. Even if students know nothing about their subjects, preventing cheating is not only a teacher's file work, but also a student's file work for teachers. We should pay more attention to the test of students' ability to solve problems by using knowledge, rather than mechanical memory of students' textbooks It is necessary to realize that cheating in exams is a shameful behavior.

The future is full of fierce competition, and any success achieved through cheating will not last long. So let's create a campus without cheating and create an honest academic atmosphere for today and tomorrow.




It is very important to create and maintain a green campus in our university or college. Obviously, more and more people are beginning to realize that this is our responsibility. In today's era, because the concept of green world has become the focus of society, the concept of green campus has gone beyond the concept of green environment.

The development of campus is sustainable and recyclable. The budget of some authorities should be about how to reduce waste. We'd better be aware of the environment around us The seriousness of pollution, such a concept of environmental protection may become a common phenomenon in our daily life, it is necessary to take effective action.

In order to protect our campus from waste and pollution, these activities are playing an increasingly important role in our daily life. There is no doubt that we must further consider our green campus +.




As we all know, a good learning environment can bring better learning effect. Therefore, building a green campus is our inevitable choice. Green campus not only provides a good environment for our study, but also is a part of building a harmonious society.

Green campus is not only a green environment, but also a carrier of spirit. Green means that we should help and care for each other. Therefore, we should not only beautify the campus environment, but also create campus culture.

While enjoying the campus time, students also have the responsibility to build our green campus spiritually. We should respect teachers, classmates and others. During the period of working for the school, we should have good habits and keep the campus environment clean.





标签: 作文 万能 专业 校园

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