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关于”吃饺子“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Eat dumplings。以下是关于吃饺子的初一英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Eat dumplings

In the dictionary, a doctor refers to a person who has received medical training. He treats patients, but I don't think it is correct. A doctor is an angel.

He brings the patient from the disease to happiness and gives them hope for life. The doctor himself is the most effective medicine I have ever used. I get sick when I am young, so every time I see the smile on the doctor's face, I often go to see the doctor To safety and warmth, it seems that the doctor is the only one who should be afraid of pain.

At the beginning, I think I should do something to repay the selfless help of doctors. Of course, the best way is that I know that it is not easy to be a doctor for everyone. It needs a kind heart and a difficult learning process, but I am confident to realize my dream and overcome all I have to do Facing the difficulties, I will take every obstacle on my way as a ladder.

I can succeed in the end. One thing is certain. I am honored to join this glorious team of doctors and devote my life to others.




On New Year's day, people eat dumplings. However, behind these dumplings, you know why Chinese people eat dumplings on New Year's day for a reason: the ancients attached great importance to sacrifice, and eating dumplings after sacrifice was a custom, meaning more money for one year, because Jiaozi is the homophony of "jiaozi". The shape of dumplings with blessing is like gold, which means the wish of fortune and auspiciousness.

The best way to eat dumplings is to celebrate the new year New year's Day dumpling stuffing, people can use a variety of raw materials to make dough, from the article to produce a variety of auspicious blessing. Do you know why we want to eat the answer.




In China, according to tradition, dumplings are eaten at midnight (or zero on Lunar New Year's day), which means "Jiaozi" has its first breakfast and dumplings on the eve of the Lunar New Year and on the eve of the lunar new year.




标签: 初一 英文 作文 真题

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