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关于”乡村和城市的区别“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:The difference between country and city。以下是关于乡村和城市的区别的初一英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The difference between country and city

Many years ago, before the development of China, people dreamed of living in the city. Because the city life is rich and colorful, everyone is pursuing prosperity. The attraction of urban life is that people will find opportunities for success now.

China is developing, and citizens begin to pursue rural life. They like quiet environment and air. What is the fresh urban life and rural life The city life is more convenient for the old people, and they like the city life better.




There are many differences in living conditions between cities and villages. Rural life seems to be closer to nature and closer to people. But for me, living in the city is obviously more colorful and substantial.

In the city, people can usually find many interesting places, such as museums and parks to visit, while in the countryside, the places people can visit are limited. Another major difference is that they go to school. There are usually many good schools in cities, where the teachers are of high level and the teaching facilities are advanced, which in turn can cultivate high-level students.




Urban life and rural life there are many differences in people's living conditions between urban and rural areas. Rural life seems to give people a sense of closeness to nature and between people. But for me, living in the city is obviously more colorful.

In the city, people can usually find many interesting places, such as visiting museums and parks, while in rural areas, people can go Another major difference is that there are many good schools in the city where the teachers are high and the teaching facilities are advanced, which in turn can cultivate high-level students. However, in rural areas, the teaching conditions are very poor. An equally important contrast is that with the change of shopping facilities in a city, anyone can go shopping until they buy something they are satisfied with West.

For example, if you want to buy a coat, there are many shopping centers in the countryside, you can go there to choose and bargain, because there are so many fewer shopping facilities, people have no choice at all, and urban life has many advantages over rural life.




标签: 初一 英文 作文 万能 乡村

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