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关于”妈妈最拿手的菜“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Mom's best dish。以下是关于妈妈最拿手的菜的考研英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Mom's best dish

Some people are motivated by the desire for social interaction and cooperation with others. Obviously, these people are most productive when they are part of a team. Research on organizational behavior shows that Asian culture is more likely to develop this type of collective behavior than individualistic behavior associated with western culture.

It is naturally believed that there may be cultural values that determine whether people are most productive as individuals or as members of a team.




2:,One day, I suddenly thought of an idea, I want to cook for my father, because I have not done anything for him before, I want to give him a surprise, so I asked my mother to teach me how to cook. This is my first time to cook. When my father came home, my mother was very patient.

I asked him to taste the food. He was very moved and said that these were his favorite food.




3:妈妈最拿手的菜,There are countless differences between Chinese basic taste and Chinese food culture. However, there are countless differences between Chinese food culture and Chinese food culture. Southern food is fresh and tender, while northern food is greasy.

Because typical southerners, I prefer fresh and pure flavor, so my favorite food is steamed fish. Steamed fish is a classic dish in Guangdong It is famous for its light, soft and smooth ingredients. The food must be fresh, and the cook must control the heat to ensure the freshness and purity of the fish.

Before the dish is finished, put the fresh fish in the pot and steam it for a few minutes over a mild fire. Add a spoonful of oil, some scallion, and a spoonful of soy sauce. Then the steamed fish is ready.

My mother is very good at this dish, and I really like the way she makes fish. It not only keeps the fish's original flavor, but also provides enough protein.




标签: 考研 英文 作文 真题 妈妈

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