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关于”让她帮忙照看我的家“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Let her help look after my home。以下是关于让她帮忙照看我的家的八级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Let her help look after my home

A woman was out looking for a pet, so she went to the local pet store. She walked into a small pet store and explained her needs to the waiter. The waiter thought for a moment and said, "I've got something for you, madam.

I'll bring it to him right away." With that, he disappeared behind the store, and a few seconds later came back with a lovely little dog. "This dog is a special dog," he told her, "it can fly," he explained, and then threw the dog into the air, and it immediately began to drift gracefully around the store. "It has a problem, but every time you say 'mine', it eats anything you mention.

Looking at "my apple", the woman looked at her in surprise as the dog flew by and said, "he's cute. I'm going to show her husband what a smart pet I've bought today on the way home with it." When she got home, she exclaimed, "he can fly." The husband looked at the dog and said, "fly, ha, my feet.".






2:,Date: March

12 weather: Sunny diary, today is tree planting day. At

8 o'clock this afternoon, the students of our school lined up and went to the mountain five kilometers away from our school. Mr.

Zhang and other teachers helped us plant trees first. We dug a hole. The hole is not too big or too small.

It should be bigger than the root of the tree. Second, we put the tree into the hole we dug, I covered the root with soil, and then another girl grabbed it, we watered the tree, and then we planted other trees one by one. Our class worked very hard to plant about 1000 trees.

Although we were tired, we were very happy.




3:让她帮忙照看我的家,A few days ago, a Chinese told me that according to traditional customs, a person's marriage must be decided by his or her parents, so her mother's marriage was arranged by her grandparents, but her sister broke the tradition of "how do I ask her, her marriage is arranged by her unborn baby", "what do you mean" she must get "married because she is pregnant before marriage?" She explained awkwardly.




标签: 八级 英文 作文 万能

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