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关于”去参加“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Go to。以下是关于去参加的考研英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Go to

I went to my Flind Mary's birthday party last Sunday. It was wonderful. The party started at her house and her friends came.

Mother made a big birthday cake for Mary. First of all, we sang a happy birthday song for her, and then we played party games together. It was a great party.




Dear Tom, it's very kind of you to let me attend your daughter's wedding, but I can't go to her wedding because my grandmother is ill and I need to take care of her in the hospital. I feel sorry for this. Although I can't attend your daughter's wedding, I still wish your daughter the best.

I hope she can be happy and her life is your best wish.




① ②③④④FD Monday, March I went to Lijiang's birthday party this evening. We sang and danced, and we had a good time at the party … when I left Lijiang's house, it began to rain. It was very late, and I had to walk home a motorcycle flew past me.

It hit a boy at the crossroads, but the motorcycle didn't stop it from running I felt good and I was angry He wrote down his phone number, called the police immediately and took the boy to the hospital.


① ②③④④FD xx月日星期一 今天晚上我去了李江的生日聚会,我们唱歌跳舞,我们在晚会上玩得很开心…当我离开李江家时,天开始下雨了,天很晚了,我不得不步行回家 一辆摩托车从我身边飞过,它在十字路口撞到了一个男孩,但是摩托车没有阻止它跑了 我感觉很好我气愤地写下了电话号码,立刻打电话给警察,然后把男孩送进了医院。


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