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关于”和汉语的对比“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Comparison with Chinese。以下是关于和汉语的对比的初二英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Comparison with Chinese

Now, some students don't like learning English because it's hard to learn English. I think it is necessary to learn English in daily life. We should have a good way to learn English and spend more time on it.

Some of my suggestions are that we should read English as much as possible, talk to your parents and friends, and don't be afraid because everyone makes mistakes, so we should write as much as possible. We spend a lot of time practicing. We also try to listen to English as much as possible.

We can listen to English music and finally play some tapes, but it is important to listen to the teacher in class and take notes carefully. We should also believe in ourselves in our homework. I believe that if we study hard, we will learn well today and practice later.






Since we go to school, we have to learn English. English is one of the main subjects for us to study English for a long time. We will complain about it.

We always joke that foreigners should learn Chinese now. This is no joke. The world is watching China.

More and more foreigners are interested in Chinese. When we turn on the TV, they have learned Chinese Wen, we can find a very popular program called Chinese Bridge. This is a competition for foreign students to show their Chinese.

I have seen this program and I have a good impression. The foreign students speak Chinese very well. They understand our culture.

They have enthusiasm. This makes them like learning Chinese. We should learn from foreign students.

They show us how to learn one The method of language.




In China, many students complain that English is difficult to master. They know how important English is, but they just think it is difficult to learn. However, for many foreigners, when they began to learn Chinese, some even spoke very well.

Conquering Chinese has become a popular slogan of China's rapid economic development. Foreigners have realized this trend, so mastering Chinese is the best way to seek cooperation. Although we all recognize that Chinese is the most difficult language to learn, many foreigners still make up their minds To learn it well, there is a will and a way to learn it.

So when we complain about difficulties, we only think about how foreigners learn Chinese.




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