
作者:用户投稿 阅读:22 点赞:0




Bob bought a fur coat in the CICI store, but when he opened the box, he found that his fur had only one leg. So he went back to the store to change his clothes. The clerk asked Bob: what can I do for you? Bob said: I bought this fur yesterday and just found out it looks like garbage.

It has only one leg. I want to change it for a better one. The clerk looked at the fur and said, "Oh, it looks like you broke its leg.

We can't change this one.". Bob was very angry and said, what do you mean I broke his leg? It has only one leg. You think I have nothing to do but break its leg.

Let me tell you this. If you don't exchange this fur for me, I'll cut off its head and show it to your manager. Bob is really upset.

The shop assistant agreed to give Bob two furs for free just to make him happy.




2:,Once, late at night, an Englishman walked from his room into the corridor of a hotel and asked the servant to bring him a glass of water. The servant did as he asked, as the servant told him, and the Englishman returned to his room, but a few minutes later, he came into the corridor again and asked for a glass of water from the servant again. The servant gave him another glass of water every few minutes.

The Englishman would come out of his room and repeat his request. Half an hour later, the surprised servant decided to ask the Englishman what he was doing with the water. "Nothing," the Englishman replied calmly, "it's just that my room is on fire.".





3:服务员,Love this job, learn with an open mind, make continuous efforts, with excellent appearance, appearance, appearance, full of spirit, to provide guests with "smile, courtesy, enthusiasm, initiative, accuracy, speed, safety" quality service, enhance the service consciousness of guests, improve their service skills, so as to work again, order and assign unconditional obedience to the management personnel Responsible for the cleaning of regional environment and tables and chairs after the excuse of refusal and disobedience to the appeal, and to achieve the goal of "unclear site, no table and chair, no stain, no odor in the room, no wall trace" and "no sanitary death", responsible for the re production of products, familiar with the name, price and taste of various products, familiar with the sales methods, time and skills, and proficient in the name, price, and quality of various products Taste, proficient in sales skills, skilled in sales, able to skillfully use ray service, long-term service, single sales service, air-conditioning service, customer complaint service procedure, main bar service procedure, be familiar with bar facilities and equipment in the way of "calm, busy and chaotic", check and store procedures, be familiar with company telephone number, assigned telephone number and telephone number, Skilled use of sports language, "customers ask to welcome guests to leave, in view of this, through helping others apologize, to disturb others, agree that people" with high-quality service to meet the requirements of service users, with "customer always to, boss always to, unit always to" to make their service level always stand in the forefront of the industry, that "customers are our God" pay attention to their own Image, from their own quality, discipline, unity and cooperation, skills, service efficiency and other aspects of their own requirements, so that I can become a four-star hotel qualified waiters.




标签: 高二 英文 作文 万能

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