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关于”智能手机对生活的改变“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Smart phones change life。以下是关于智能手机对生活的改变的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Smart phones change life

Advantages and disadvantages of mobile phone more and more people use mobile phone, it has advantages and disadvantages, advantages in hand, we can easily call friends, in case of emergency, we can call for help, mobile phone can also listen to music and text messages to others, it makes people's life more haggard, but it also has disadvantages, such as cheating in exams, when we play hands for a long time Machine, in my opinion, is not good for learning, we should use mobile phone reasonably, do not occupy too much time, should not affect our study.




2:智能手机改变生活,Compared with the previous generation, the newly developed smart phone of e4be5bexphonemy has a brand new appearance. It is only millimeter thick, which is amazing. The xphone also adds a large front VGA camera, a back illuminated megapixel rear camera, built-in LED flash, third-party and global application software.

The xphone is a mature device, and it will be revolutionary The combination of multi touch interface and powerful features, such as email and instant messaging, and the appearance of the xphone SDK make it a fully functional web browser, which has been extended to include important development opportunities.


e4be5beXphoneMy最新开发的智能手机与前一代相比,Xphone有着全新的外观它只有毫米厚,这真是太神奇了Xphone还增加了一个大的前置VGA摄像头,Xphone还提供了一款背照式百万像素后置摄像头,内置LED闪光灯第三方以及全球应用软件,Xphone是一款成熟的设备,它将革命性的多点触控界面与强大的功能相结合,如电子邮件和即时消息功能,以及Xphone SDK的出现,使其成为一款功能齐全的网络浏览器,这些强大的特性被扩展到包括重要的开发机会。


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