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关于”我最喜欢看的书小怎么说“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:What's my favorite book。以下是关于我最喜欢看的书小怎么说的雅思英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:What's my favorite book

Can secular thoughts break the spirit of pure love? Jane Eyre is such a book to tell you the answer, and also my favorite book. The heroine of the book, Jane, became an orphan after she escaped from the orphanage. She found a job from a boss named Rochester.

He is a rich middle-aged man who wants to be a teacher for his niece. Soon, she fell in love with Rochester. He was a man of chivalry and wisdom.

But after knowing that Rochester had concealed the fact that he was forced to marry a crazy woman, his greedy parents, Jane, left sadly. During her long journey, she met a pastor named St John, who was fascinated by his profession. When the gentleman told Jane his "love" for her, Jane soon felt that Rochester was the one who really loved her, although at that time, Rochester became poor and blind because of his destruction.

Castle, Jane chose to stand beside him, from the rich to the poor. The couple knew that their pure love spirit still existed, and the equality between them would never disappear. It's precious for every love, and this novel shines with this idea, which is why it's my favorite masterpiece.





My favorite book when I was a child was Pinocchio. I didn't like to go to school. I didn't like to do my homework every day.

Sometimes I lied because I didn't know the importance of the age of knowledge. When I read Pinocchio in the university library, if I had read Pinocchio at that time, if I had my own children, I would be better. She is a female student and I have used English and Chinese Wen bought Pinocchio.

I hope she can be better than her father, because she has read Pinocchio several times.




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