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关于”西方音乐“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Western Music。以下是关于西方音乐的四级英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Western Music

Once upon a time, there was a girl named Susie. The little girl was learning to play the piano. One day, Susie came home from her piano lesson.

She heard a beautiful voice in the forest, so she stopped and saw a dog come out of the forest. It was not an ordinary dog. It walked with its two hind legs.

She was wearing clothes and hat. Suzikui was scared by this very strange dog. Then the dog began to sing and Susie began to run Go home.

The dog chased after Susie, and then Susie slowed down. The dog caught up with her and said, "how do you play the piano now?" the dog told Susie that he could play the piano, "I love playing the piano"; then after that day, Susie and the dog became best friends. "The end of the story" by Sarah, American times playing the piano normal hind legs shock chasing.







2:西方音乐,Westhouse is a building in central London owned by the Scottish widows investment partnership and is currently occupied by the BBC. It is located at the junction of gild street and great Portland Avenue, adjacent to the BBC headquarters. The broadcasting building has been used by the BBC since then.

At least for this period of time, the high-rise building was occupied by the Engineering Department of the BBC. The first floor was occupied by the car exhibition hall, and later became the location of the BBC audio and sound library. This building became the first trans Atlantic color television satellite link Letter's British base.

The Engineering Department of the BBC was reorganized in the late S, followed by a major renovation in the early / mid-term and then moved out of western house Since then, its main use has been as a home for BBC Radio and BBC music. It also has several smaller radio stations for use by other BBC stations, as well as a gym, bar and pub for members and guests of the BBC club. The BBC lease on the building is currently valid until.


西方之家是位于伦敦市中心的一座建筑,由苏格兰寡妇投资合伙公司所有,目前由BBC占用。它位于吉尔德大街和大波特兰大街的交界处,毗邻BBC总部,广播大楼从那时起就被英国广播公司使用,至少在这段时间里,高层被BBC的工程设计部占用,一楼首先被汽车展厅占据,后来成为BBC录音音效图书馆的所在地,这座大楼成为第一个跨大西洋彩色电视卫星通信的英国基地。英国广播公司工程设计部在年代末重组,随后在早期/中期进行了大规模翻修后搬出了西方之家(Western House),自那以后,它的主要用途一直是作为英国广播公司(BBC)广播电台和英国广播公司(BBC)广播音乐的家它还拥有几个较小的广播电台,供其他BBC电台使用,还有一个健身房、酒吧和小酒馆,供BBC俱乐部成员和客人使用。



3:西方音乐,Nowadays, more and more young people like western festivals, such as Christmas, Valentine's day, mother's day and so on, but often ignore Chinese traditional festivals. There are many reasons for this phenomenon: first, western culture is relatively strong, for example, young people usually watch Hollywood movies and western music, so young people think that western festivals are more fashionable. Second, western festivals are more human, such as father's day and mother's day, which attach great importance to family relationship, so they are more easily accepted by young people The Chinese government has increased the Dragon Boat Festival, the Mid Autumn Festival and other statutory festivals, but the impact of these festivals on young people is relatively weak.

As teenagers, we should strive to promote traditional culture, we should change outdated concepts, and more traditional festivals like France. They are proud of their own culture, while Japan has successfully integrated Western culture with its tradition, The model of perfect harmony is worth learning from. We should adhere to the open mind and protect the festival heritage of China, because only those belonging to the nation belong to the world.




标签: 四级 高分 作文 音乐

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