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关于”经历过最自豪的事“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:The proudest thing I've ever experienced。以下是关于经历过最自豪的事的四级英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The proudest thing I've ever experienced

This morning, after I got up, I had a bad headache and often sneezed. My mother took me to the hospital to have a physical examination. The doctor examined me and asked me some questions about my symptoms.

Finally, he asked me to take medicine and have a rest. You will feel better tomorrow.




I did something I was proud of. Let me tell you, one day last year, on my way to school, I saw a wallet. I picked it up and opened it, which surprised me.

I saw a lot of money in it. I looked around and no one noticed me. I could have put it in my pocket, but I didn't.

I gave it to a policeman and went to school later I was born on the way to school. I was walking on the road that day when I suddenly saw an old lady fall on the road. No one seemed to see her or help her.

Maybe they were afraid to take responsibility. But I ran to the old lady quickly and helped her to stand up. She was very grateful and happy.

I didn't think my English was very good, but I still studied hard. I never gave up and gave up In this way, I can make a little progress every day. My English teacher often praises me in class, which encourages me to study harder.

I'm proud of myself. I'm proud of my English. I know I can get it.

Thank my English teacher. I can't do it without her help.




An unforgettable example, you know, English is a very important subject, because it is a foreign language, it is difficult to learn English, so many of us pay attention to English instead of Chinese, but I know it is wrong from an exam I will never forget. Everyone in our class got an ugly score because of our Chinese cleverness. The teacher found out our attitude towards learning Chinese.

She knew what should be done before dark to change it. So she made a special SMS to warn us that the effect was good after the exam. All of us paid more attention to Chinese as our mother tongue than before There are many things we need to learn.




标签: 四级 英文 高分 作文 经历

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