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关于”选择礼物“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Choose a gift。以下是关于选择礼物的六级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Choose a gift

Today is my mother's birthday. My father and I want to give her a surprise birthday present. In the morning, we went to the store to buy a big cake, and then we went to the market to buy some food that mom liked very much.

When we got home, we began to prepare presents. Dad went into the kitchen to prepare a big meal. I went into the kitchen and made a birthday card in my room.

I drew three rabbits. The biggest one was eating grass. The other two were playing happily under the big tree.

I told you the truth My family, because we were all born in the year of Rabbi. The delicious food on the table makes my mouth water. Everything was ready.

We sat at the table, waiting for the sound of mother's opening the door. We hid behind the door and cheered, "Happy Birthday". As soon as my mother came in, my mother came.

I sat at the table and I showed her the gift. She looked at the gift and said with a smile, "try the delicious food made by my father himself." I said that mom looked at me and dad and picked up chopsticks. How happy we were.





My best gift for my best friend. I'm excited that tomorrow is my best friend's birthday, but I'm a little nervous because I don't have a lot of money, so I can't buy her expensive things. When I told my mother, she laughed and said, "you can buy her something special, such as a book, a cup or a hat.

You don't need to buy the most expensive one Things, when you meet her, you have to say the best wishes to her, "I see, and then I went to the gift shop, where there were so many special but insignificant things, and finally I chose a beautiful cup, because I think that means that I will always love her, a generation.




To XX: Thank you for your birthday present. I really like it and enjoy it. I'm really surprised that you bought this gift.

I can't buy it myself. I really appreciate your kindness and efforts. You have always been my best friend.

Thank you again for your gift, Jon Smith.




标签: 六级 英文 作文 满分 礼物

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