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关于”对校园爱情“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Love on campus。以下是关于对校园爱情的四级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Love on campus

Don't cry, my baby. There are so many love stories in University. If lovers know each other through notes, this story is called paper love.

If they get to know each other in a fast food restaurant, then this story is called fast food love. If they become lovers during a picnic, then picnic love. Liu Bing knows Xiaoyu through QQ chat, and they get the so-called QQ love their love The story begins at the end of the second grade.

Liu Xiang failed in CET-4 again. He was in a bad mood. When he was wandering on the Internet, he walked into an Internet bar near the school to kill time.

A stranger asked him through QQ, can I have a chat with you? Then he began to chat with him or her. Mr. Liu poured out his troubles.

The other side patiently comforted him and told him not to be discouraged. Because there was still a chance after that, they promised to chat every day for a week. On the seventh day, Liu felt very happy.

The other side asked him, would you like to see me? Mr. Liu did not hesitate to call "yes". Then you can look back, Mr.

Liu I saw a lovely girl, her name is Xiaoyu. As graduation approaches, they are also faced with a difficult choice. Xiaoyu is a local girl who lives in Wuhan, while Liu Bing is from Xi'an.

They are all the only children in the family. Their parents do not object to their being together, but they all want their children at home, and they are for their own positioning and attention Liu and Xiaoyu went to the Internet cafe. This time, they fought back to back to make Xiaoyu cry.




Whether college students have the right to love in university is a controversial issue in our times. Just like coins have two sides, no one is better than the other. It is often difficult to distinguish what is right and what is wrong.

Love is a feeling that lingers in our hearts on campus. You often hear someone say: Why did Cupid's arrow not aim at me, I am English Where is the handsome prince? This may be why last year's songs about love were so popular among young people. I remember when one of my roommates first saw her Romeo, she sat across the mirror without eating for a few days and sang, "mirror, mirror, wall, she is the most beautiful of them all.

We thought she must be crazy, and then there was a rush to send her to the hospital They became lovers. We saw the light in her eyes. She said: our marriage is made in heaven.

In the following days, there is a chemical connection between us. She always has a smile on her face. Love is not very strong.

The other roommate is not so lucky. She has a boyfriend, but now everything is history. This boy is a sofa dirt Bean, they used to quarrel about trivial things.

She finally got fed up with the boy and separated unhappily. We'd better not experience this love. I'm the only one who is still single in my dormitory.

My friends ask me why I haven't found my dream lover. They say that when I grow up, no one will wait for me to tell the truth. I don't worry about the sex ratio at all I think boys have to act quickly, or they will be single for the rest of their lives.

I am the youngest in my class. I have more time. I want to enjoy my life freely without being hindered by others.

Our elders exaggerate love in University. They say that love is a waste of time and money. It often leads people to forget their studies and may even destroy their lives.

I think we are all adults. We have the ability to manage our own affairs. So, please do it with your heart and never regret it.




Nowadays, love is everywhere, including on campus, among boys and girls. This is a new scene on campus. Some people refuse lovers for many reasons.

Students are too young. They are irresponsible for what they do. They destroy the good atmosphere on campus.

Some students disturb others. So I agree. But on the other hand, I don't think we can do too much.

First of all, love is our humanity. No one can stop it, We can only cover it up for the time being. Secondly, there is no need to prohibit lovers.

They are experiencing a part of their life. They are earlier. Although everyone will have the same experience in the future, I think the only thing we can do is to ensure that young lovers do not disturb others too much.

In fact, we can make some rules to urge students in love to behave well Or let them pay enough attention to their study. In fact, love is their choice, so it is their choice to study hard.




标签: 四级 英文 作文 满分 校园

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