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关于”汉语的怎么说“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:How to say Chinese。以下是关于汉语的怎么说的高一英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:How to say Chinese

Foreign language: Foreign Language: foreign language, foreign language, foreign capital, foreign investment, foreign policy, foreign affairs, foreign currency, foreign direct investment, foreign minister of foreign affairs, foreign traders, foreign students, foreign enterprises, foreign aid, foreign markets, foreign culture and foreign trade: they have lived under foreign domination for many years. Our foreign policy is inclined to the third world. Everyone is working hard On behalf of the foreign minister, he changed his car to be made in foreign countries.

Learning from foreign countries is totally different from worshiping all foreign countries.




Please speak Chinese [price index: Z] [pliz] intvt & VI happy, happy, happy, happy [SPI: k] [spik] vt & VI can speak spoken Chinese [speaking Chinese people in Shanghai just imagine how you started to speak Chinese fluently. Do you speak Chinese? Yes, can I speak English, too.




Topic: ['t & Pik] n: they discuss weather and other topics, such as paragraphs, letters, or titles, subheadings, or topics at the top or beginning of a chapter. "If you can find a topic sentence, it usually helps you find the beginning of the paragraph," the teacher said. "The topic focuses on the crisis in these two countries.

I can't understand his speech because he always jumps from one topic to the next. This article has nothing to do with the subject. This article is too short to touch the surface of the topic.

There is no room for further discussion,.




标签: 高一 英文 作文 万能

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