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关于”写一篇中秋节“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Write an article about the Mid Autumn Festival。以下是关于写一篇中秋节的八级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Write an article about the Mid Autumn Festival

The Mid Autumn Festival is a very important traditional Chinese festival. On August 5th, all family members usually get together. In the evening, we can hang lanterns at home.

We will have a big dinner. In the evening, we can drink a glass of juice. We make a wish.

The moon is usually round and bright. It looks like a ball. We can enjoy the moon and eat moon cakes On the Mid Autumn Festival, my parents and I are very happy and excited.




Yesterday was the Mid Autumn Festival. After dinner, mom and dad happily sat on the balcony eating moon cakes and eating persimmons. The full moon was next to a golden moon hanging high in the sky, which brought a shed to the moon on the ground.

It seemed that the gentle sky was light clouds, the wind was very light, and the moonlight was very beautiful, which constituted a beautiful picture. In the dark blue night sky, the moon was beautiful Bright, more beautiful, so beautiful and the moon in the heart, not let it is a very naughty full moon, while holding clouds into the arms of my sister, while talking to the stars, singing and dancing for a while. Really, at this time, dad said, "in fact, the moon is not illuminated, it is like a mirror reflecting the sun on the earth, these lights are not only hot." soon, the moon Next to Liang appeared the shadow father's trace: "this is the dark shadow of the moon 'sea', but there is no water." ah, this brings me a bright reverie.

"Ah, I know that when Chang'e must be very sorry, I should use the ancient poem" change regret to steal the elixir, blue sea and green sky heart every night. "Yes, secretly watch her and Houyi on the ground to see Chang'e's moon and fruit, I Miss Wu Gang quietly. In other words, he keeps cutting down trees more than ten feet high and smashes the long and focused rabbit into a ball of medicine.

"The Mid Autumn Festival is really happy. It's not only a full moon, but also relatives and a round moon. It's incredible.




It is said that in the ancient year, there was a sun in the sky, the earth was smoking and the water was dry. People could not see this, so they alerted a hero named Hou Yi. He boarded the kunlun peak, introduced wanzu, opened the arch, and cooked Hou Yi's magic power to shoot down nine extra SUNS.

He was respected and admired by people. Many Chester Muming learned Treachery from Tushi Hou Yifu married a beautiful and kind wife named Chang'e. in addition to hunting, he also lived with his wife.

One day, Hou Yi went to Kunlun mountain to have fun with his friends. After that, the queen mother and the Empress Dowager met by chance and told the Empress Dowager that she had got a package of elixir. It was said that Fuxi was the only one who lived with his wife Hou Yi was reluctant to leave his wife.

He gave the medicine bag to Peng Meng. Three days later, Peng Meng saw it. Hou Yi had just gone out hunting.

Peng Meng pretended to be ill. Hou Yi was left by the people nearby. Peng mengneizhai entered the backyard with a sword and forced Chang pengmeng to hand over the elixir of immortality She didn't know her opponent.

At the critical moment, she acted decisively. She turned to open the bag and swallowed the drug with a dead Zhang. Your body immediately fell to the ground, jumped out of the window and flew to the sky.

Worried about her husband, she flew from the human world to the moon. On a recent fairy night, Hou Yi returned home. The maid who had cried during the day scared Hou Yi out of his wits, At this time, Zhaojiao Yi, who is very busy with houjiayi's honey, finds out that she is very busy in the garden, but she is surprised to see her wife's name A person who missed Chang'e heard the news of changing the version of Yue Xian.

One by one, they exhibited in Xiang'an, praying for the good luck and peace of Chang'e. from then on, the custom of worshipping the Taoist priest on the Mid Autumn Festival spread among the people.




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