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关于”支持安乐死合法化“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Support the legalization of euthanasia。以下是关于支持安乐死合法化的中考英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Support the legalization of euthanasia

Euthanasia is one of the most widely and fiercely debated moral issues in the society. It has made the court feel painful and tired for too long. Questioning the ethics and morality of this issue is an endless cycle.

We never consider our rights or the freedom rights of victims. I believe that euthanasia is just a political debate and keeping the agenda, keeping the court busy, so as to ensure politics The security of pocket books the vast majority of people are in favor of euthanasia. However, the candidates they choose do not represent their views, thus depriving them of their democratic rights and freedom rights.




Euthanasia, euthanasia, which we recently call euthanasia, has made headlines frequently. Many people appreciate it and think that euthanasia should be legalized, because euthanasia is good for a terminally ill patient who suffers from extreme pain day and night and his family. Just like a vegetable, it can end his life painlessly, which is a good thing for his family Considering their economic and emotional loss, it is a great relief to maintain his life.

However, the legalization of euthanasia may also bring problems that our society has never encountered before. For example, the dying patients feel guilty because they don't want to die. Is it wise to kill the patients alive just because of the wrong terminal diagnosis? Can euthanasia be used for some ulterior or even criminal purposes? Because the legalization of euthanasia will raise serious moral and social problems, the decision of euthanasia in our society will undoubtedly have great consequences in the society.




You can write an article about the legalization of euthanasia. You should write no less than words based on the Chinese outline below. Euthanasia is a kind of quiet and easy death or benevolent killing.

As we have said recently, it often makes headlines. Many people support and advocate that euthanasia should be legalized, because it is pointed out that euthanasia can benefit both the patient and his family from a terminally ill person who endures extreme pain day and night, or lives like a vegetable To end his life painlessly is a good release and a great relief for his family. Considering their economic and emotional loss, his life must be maintained.

However, the legalization of euthanasia may also bring problems that our society has not faced before. For example, is it appropriate for a dying patient to feel guilty for living because he does not want to die Is it possible for euthanasia to be used for some hidden or even criminal care when a patient is killed alive because of a wrong terminal diagnosis.




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