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关于”婚礼的邀请函“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Invitation to the wedding。以下是关于婚礼的邀请函的高二英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Invitation to the wedding

June XX, dear XX, XX and I will hold a wedding ceremony in the community church on Thursday, June 12. At noon, we hope you can come to the wedding and we hope you can attend the wedding banquet at home in the future. Aunt Kate, we will bring love to XX on the 12th.




Mr. and Mr. Thomas Lang ask you to attend their daughter Julieta's wedding with Mr.

romeoon (Saturday, October 1, St. Peters church, Oxford), and then at the Royal Hotel parkso Xford RSVP holds a wedding banquet and prepares for some actions. Couples (or write letters with their wives and take their family members, Mr.

XXX) are at XX Le Hotel Address: jingyueshu Road, Yan'an Road invitation time: in the afternoon, XX is waiting for XX (x) xxxxx (xxxxx) XXXXX.


Mr和MrsThomas Lang请求您出席他们的女儿Julieta与Romeoon先生的婚礼(xx月xx日星期六,牛津圣彼得斯教堂),随后在皇家酒店ParksO xfordRSVP举行婚宴,准备一些行动,情侣们(或与妻子一起写信,带着家人,XXX先生)在XX乐大酒店地址:延安路景月舒路邀请时间:下午XX在等待XX(x)xxxxxx(xxxxxx)xxxxxx时。


Dear XXX OO and I have already set the date. We hope you will be the first to know that they will have a quiet wedding in the community church on Thursday, June 12. At noon, we hope you can come to the wedding and attend the wedding banquet held at home after the wedding.

I'm looking forward to you, XXX, at 11 o'clock, with my best regards to love. Name: XXX OO: I hope you and Bob will come to lunch next Friday. I hope you and Bob will come for lunch next Friday, May 5th.


亲爱的XXXX OO和我已经定好了日期,我们希望你第一个知道他们将于xx月xx日星期四在社区教堂安静地举行婚礼,中午我们希望你能来参加婚礼,也希望你能参加婚礼后在家里举行的婚宴。我很期待你,XXXX,在11点,带着我对爱的最诚挚的问候,姓名XXXX OO:我希望你和鲍勃下星期五来吃午饭,我希望你和鲍勃下星期五,xx月xx日来吃午饭。


标签: 高二 作文 真题 邀请函 范文

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