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关于”标准的教案集“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Standard lesson plan collection。以下是关于标准的教案集的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Standard lesson plan collection

Wolf and rabbit wolf who is the rabbit who is the rabbit we are the rabbit are you happy (its carrot goes to carrot carrot eat its grass to eat grass eat mushroom mushroom eat wolf guess who will come to tiger lion bear) look, who came to its wolf wolf wolf wolf game wolf and rabbit rabbit rabbit jump jump jump who came to wolf, wolf came to rabbit, we are home wolf back.




2:标准教案集,Course type: English writing teaching purpose: to cultivate students' practical ability to use English, so that students can write their own introduction of cultural relics in English, and guide students to take a correct attitude towards cultural relics. Teaching steps: step (student) paragraph, find out the ideas contained in the text. In the reading step, let students tell how they segmented and what they found Step (teacher) summarize students' ideas and give correct answers steps (students) write sentences in simple English according to the main ideas of each paragraph.

Step (students) list their own outline and retell the outline into complete sentences. Step (teacher) tells them how to arrange the short passage they have written, and use Related words and other grammatical means to arrange homework: Write a composition after class.




3:标准的教案集,The teaching methods include background information, text analysis style, text structure, detailed analysis of the text (key language points, grammar points, theme and writing techniques) teaching content, and Reflection on the time arrangement conclusion and feedback assignment, blackboard design teaching.




标签: 高分 六年级 作文 格式 范文

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