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Leonardo da Vinci was born in the town of toscany hills on the evening of April 3. Little is known about his childhood. He lived in finch town with his mother before he was five years old.

When he was five years old, he went to Florence to study art. After living with his father, grandparents and uncle Francesco, he grew up to be a painter and sculptor with scientific literacy, and later became a military engineer and architect. He graduated from the Italian Institute of technology in, and became a famous Italian architect and painter.

After he moved to Rome, he carried out creation and research activities in the noble court. Rome was not a very pleasant place for him. He stayed there for a short time and met Michelangelo and other artists in Rome.

However, he did not reveal any artistic genius. He basically studied magic there. So the Romans thought that he was a wizard.

Da Vinci went to France and finally decided Living in Ambois, he seldom painted in his later years and devoted himself to scientific research. When he died, he left a large number of notes and manuscripts, covering almost all aspects from physics and mathematics to biology and anatomy.


莱昂纳多·达芬奇xx月xx日晚出生在托斯卡尼山镇(Toscany Hills),人们对达芬奇的童年知之甚少。他xx岁以前和母亲住在芬奇镇,xx岁时去佛罗伦萨学习艺术后,他和父亲、祖父母和叔叔弗朗西斯科住在一起,成长为一个有科学素养的画家、雕塑家,后来成为一名军事工程师和建筑师。他于年毕业于意大利理工学院,成为意大利著名的建筑师和画家。



More than 500 years ago, a man designed an aircraft, he also invented a helicopter. This intelligent man was Italian. When he worked in the rules that Leonardo wrote to Milan, he said that he was an excellent painter and sculptor.

He designed bridges, made weapons, and finally invented machine guns. He found a job in Milan. He was a musician.

He did it He is very good at everything, but we still remember him today. As an artist, he is one of the greatest artists in the world. You may have heard of a painting he painted in Milan called the Mona Lisa.

He painted a special painting when he was in Milan. He painted it on the wall of the monastery dining room. Many people have painted this painting.

They say it is the greatest painting ever. It's called the last supper. Leonardo works hard to draw this painting.

He often works all day and never stops to eat or drink. He walks around Milan with a book in his hand. He also draws people who are interested in him in the street.

He also reads it He wanted to know how everything works. He even made a plan to rebuild the Milan style modern architect. He wanted the town to become bright and airy.

He divided the main road into two layers, one for pedestrians and the other for traffic. Today, his works are very few. He only finished a few paintings, but he left many unfinished works Because he thinks these works are not perfect, no one knows how great Leonardo is in his life.

However, we now believe that he is one of the smartest people in the world.





B Vinci, Florence [present Italy] d may Cloux, a French and Italian painter, draftsman, sculptor, architect and engineer, whose genius may reflect the humanistic ideals of the Renaissance more than anyone else. His last supper and Mona Lisa are one of the most popular and influential paintings in the Renaissance. His notebook reveals a spirit of scientific inquiry and a kind of bitana The invention of machinery several centuries earlier.


列奥纳多·达芬奇(b VINCI,佛罗伦萨共和国[现意大利]d May Cloux,法国意大利画家、绘图员、雕刻家、建筑师和工程师,他的天才也许比其他任何人都更能体现文艺复兴时期人文主义理想他的《最后的晚餐》和《蒙娜丽莎》是文艺复兴时期最受欢迎和影响的绘画作品之一他的笔记本揭示了一种科学探究的精神和一种比他那个时代早了几个世纪的机械发明。


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