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关于”难忘的纪念日“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Unforgettable anniversary。以下是关于难忘的纪念日的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Unforgettable anniversary

Relying on our country, he loved his hometown, people and life for three times. He had great ambition to be a scientist. Like Li Siguang, he insisted on exploring treasure for his hometown for several years.

He used the mineral samples collected during the holidays to conduct radio experiments. He was eager to learn knowledge, be good at tracking, and actively explore the enterprising spirit.




2:,On July

1, Hong Kong returned to China and attracted worldwide attention. This is a great event. We held a grand celebration today.

China's economy is developing rapidly. As an important part of China, Hong Kong also shares the economic prosperity. Many people's living standards have improved, so they began to travel around the world, making many foreign countries put forward some policies.

In order to attract more Chinese customers, there is no doubt that the whole world is paying attention to China, because we are playing an increasingly important role in the world. The return of Hong Kong sets a good example of unity and unity, the policy of one country and the operation of two systems We can see that if we unite, we can be more powerful. This is the key to the development of elong.

The day of Hong Kong's return is remembered and celebrated every year. It reminds China of its unity..




3:难忘的纪念日,Remember that today is December

10, and today is the memorial day of the dead in Nanjing. We must remember that the Japanese army killed more than one in Nanjing at that time. We must remember that if we are not strong enough, we will be beaten, but we must put them into practice.

We must know that youth is the future of our country. If young people are weak, disabled and ignorant, the country will As Liang Qichao said, "if the youth is rich, if the youth is strong, the country will be strong". Therefore, we must build a great and beautiful dream, and we should study hard, improve ourselves every second, and remember our mission today.




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