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关于”我家用多有“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:How much do I use at home。以下是关于我家用多有的雅思英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:How much do I use at home

On the other hand, it may lead to the feeling of laziness (children become more boring when they do anything) (teachers don't check every job) more exercise and do more good things (spend more time on learning) (learn more knowledge) (reduce children's learning awareness) spare time.




2:,(home computer) home computer the home computer is small in size and inexpensive in price, but it has a good appearance and is convenient to use. You can calculate, take notes, learn English, make phone calls and type. Computers work hundreds of times faster than humans.

Moreover, you can surf the Internet, watch VCDs, play games, use it to do office work, and even shop in supermarkets. We can get the latest information in various fields through the Internet. We get great help from computers on the Internet.

Computers help us live a more convenient life. They connect the world together and make the world a big family.





3:我家用多有,The home computer is small in size and inexpensive, but it is very nice and convenient to use. You can calculate, take notes, learn English, make phone calls and type. Computers work hundreds of times faster than humans.

Moreover, you can surf the Internet, watch VCDs, play games, use it for office work, and even shop in supermarkets. By connecting computers to the Internet, we can get the latest information in various fields, and we have been greatly helped by computers. Through the Internet, computers help us live more conveniently.

They connect the world and make it a family.






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