例句:Research on improving Abrasive Mixing Effect of Abrasive Waterjets 翻译:提高磨料水射流磨料混合效果的探讨。
例句:Sent by the Lord, here and abroad 翻译:Sent by the Lord, here and abroad。
3、 absent from work
中文翻译: 旷工 缺勤
例句:i was absent from work for
6 days. 翻译:六天来我都没有去上班。
4、 super abundantly
中文翻译: 超越需要
例句:This is new generation of Lethal Weapon, Super Lethal Weapon 翻译:Super Lethal Weapon。
5、 affectionate ice coffee
中文翻译: 鸳鸯冰咖啡
例句:affectionate humor, Kushal. 翻译:affectionate humor, Kushal.。
例句:Actually, there is cause for alarm. 翻译:there is cause for alarm.。
例句:Algerian countryside 1939... 翻译:Algerian countryside 1939... xx年阿尔及利亚乡下。 。。
例句:Thing is, he's allergic to my kitties. 翻译:he's allergic to my kitties.。
9、 Gonna Be Alright
中文翻译: 没关系 一切都很好 永远幸福 会好的
例句:Gonna show him i care, gonna teach him a lesson alright 翻译:Gonna show him I care,gonna teach him a lesson alright。
例句:And for the record, i also agree 翻译:I also agree。
例句:- You think it's amphibian? 翻译:它是两栖类?。
例句:- Such anguish in those eyes 翻译:那些眼睛中的痛苦.。
例句:The camaraderie is quite apparent. 翻译:The camaraderie is quite apparent.。
14、 fragrant aroma
中文翻译: 香气馥郁 芳香宜人
例句:Pu Er, fragrant slice of ... 翻译:fragrant slice of ...。
15、 direct ascent
中文翻译: 直接起飞 直接进入轨道
例句:i don't know anything about italy anymore. 翻译:But this is a direct result...。
16、 to one's astonishment
中文翻译: 使某人惊奇的是 令某人惊讶的是 令人吃惊的是 令某人吃惊的是
例句:it's difficult to count a second, isn't it? No, it's "one". 翻译:it's "One".。
17、 Fundamental Attribution Error
中文翻译: 基本归因谬误 基本归因误差 基本归因错误 基本归因偏差
例句:- is there any attribution? 翻译:查到骇客身份吗?。
18、 Australian dollar
中文翻译: 澳大利亚元 澳元 澳币 货币名称澳大利亚元
例句:-An Australian documentary. 翻译:-An Australian documentary.。
例句:Well, things went a little awry today. 翻译:有点乱 Well, things went a little awry today.。
20、 Azalea Networks
中文翻译: 阿德利亚科技公司 阿德利亚
例句:ROSE - "LOVE" AZALEA - "TEMPERANCE" - "FRAGiLiTY" 翻译:玫瑰 -"爱" 杜鹃花 -"节制""脆弱"。
21、 material balance
中文翻译: 物料平衡 物料衡算
例句:Everything is connected, everything is balance. 翻译:everything is balance.。
22、 Fairuza Balk
中文翻译: 费尔鲁扎
例句:A few will balk. 翻译:有一些会犹豫。 。
高一常见单词表:1,23、 Balms for medical purposes
中文翻译: 医用香膏
例句:Albuminous preparations for medical purposes 翻译:医用白朊制剂。
24、 barley wine
中文翻译: 大麦酒 高酒精啤酒
例句:Please help me, Barley ice 翻译:你帮我啦,Barley冰。
25、 India Bazaar
中文翻译: 印度市场 印度市
例句:the market and all the areas around that Punjab Hotel! 翻译:PMGP Bazaar, Model Town, Sher。
例句:- This is completely inappropriate behaviour! 翻译:- This is completely inappropriate behaviour!。
例句:Birthdays mean having fun with friends Not getting lots of stuff 翻译:Being there will be enough。
28、 Grinder bench
中文翻译: 磨制机床事情台 磨床
例句:Bench grinder, lube equipment, drill press, over here. 翻译:砂轮机,润滑器具 钻床在那边。
29、 Lazy Billionaire
中文翻译: 懒惰大富翁
例句:Yeah, well, Jack was kind of lazy. 翻译:Jack was kind of lazy.。
30、 sky blue adj.
中文翻译: 天蓝色的
例句:adj. Gary had blue haole eyes and sandy hair. 翻译:加里长着蓝色的眼睛,沙色的头发。。
例句:The boar hunters are coming through this way. 翻译:The boar hunters are coming through this way.。
例句:No. "Brilliance." "Humbled by his brilliance." 翻译:No. "Brilliance." "Humbled by his brilliance."。
高一常用词汇:1,33、 buddhist monk
中文翻译: 头陀 和尚 比丘
例句:a Carthusian monk; a Buddhist monk. 翻译:卡尔特会僧侣;佛教和尚。
34、 bulk goods
中文翻译: 散装货物
例句:Savings through bulk purchase. 翻译:Savings through bulk purchase.。
35、 Bump Off Lover
中文翻译: 爱杀 袋装
例句:You aren't supposed to think aloud 翻译:l'll bump off the bastard。
例句:The first to arrive at the buoy...! 翻译:第一个到达浮标... !。
例句:And you call this Byzantine? 翻译:你还说这是拜占庭风格的。
38、 cab driver
中文翻译: 出租车司机
例句:is that cab driver with her? 翻译:-计程车司机和她在一起。
39、 Calibrate color
中文翻译: 校正颜色 校准颜色
例句:The questions are to calibrate the polygraph. 翻译:这种问题是用来校正测谎仪的。
例句:Did the Cardinal arrive yet? 翻译:要是Cardinal来了呢?。
41、 Gulf Cartel
中文翻译: 海湾卡特尔 墨湾贩毒集团
例句:Toby: Drug cartel territory? 翻译:毒贩地盘 Drug cartel territory?。
例句:Mr. President, what if we let the caucus pick? 翻译:what if we let the caucus pick?。
高一常见词汇:1,43、 change in
例句:♪ Appearances change ♪ ♪ but don't change who we are ♪ 翻译:Appearances change but don't change who we are。
例句:Phil, it's choir practice. 翻译:it's choir practice.。
45、 Classically Romantic Feeling
中文翻译: 古典的浪漫情怀
例句:Romantic, nostalgic feeling verging on sentimentality. 翻译:接近多愁善感的浪漫怀旧的情绪。
46、 cohesive end
中文翻译: 遗 粘性末端 生化 粘端 黏性末端 粘着末端
例句:Stretch out the tube, end to end. 翻译:end to end.。
47、 The Comeback Clan
中文翻译: 翻叮一族
例句:OK, that was the lamest comeback ever. 翻译:that was the lamest comeback ever.。
48、 Halley's Comet
中文翻译: 哈雷彗星 哈雷慧星 哈雷彗星之 海莱彗星
例句:Oh! Oh, like Halley's comet. 翻译:like Halley's comet.。
49、 financial commitment
中文翻译: 财政承担 财务承诺
例句:We're prepared to make a sizable financial commitment. 翻译:We're prepared to make a sizable financial commitment. 我们会提出可观的金额。
50、 complementary function
中文翻译: 余函数
例句:is it function or fashion? 翻译:Is it function or fashion?。
例句:Geneticists, chemists, computational biologists. 翻译:有基因学家 化学家 生物信息学家 Geneticists, chemists, computational biologists.。
52、 gas conduit
中文翻译: 气体导管 煤气管道
例句:By saying "Your Honor", you gain the court's attention and open up a channel of communication, a conduit. 翻译:you gain the court's attention a conduit.。
高一新课标单词表:1,53、 confiscates the committee
中文翻译: 没收委员会
例句:Committee for Cinematography of Russia 翻译:Committee for Cinematography of Russia。
54、 Course Consult Team Leader
中文翻译: 课程顾问主管 课程顾问经理 经理 课程顾问
例句:Team Leader, you're a joke. 翻译:队长,你好好笑 Team leader, you're a fool.。
55、 Peter Cook
中文翻译:库克 彼特
例句:Cook County State's Attorney Peter Florrick? 翻译:州检察官彼得·福瑞克的母亲对吗。
56、 stay cool
中文翻译: 保持冷静
例句:* You gotta stay together All i know, all i know * * Together * 翻译:- * Cool, calm * - * You gotta stay together All I knoW, all I knoW *。
57、 coordinate axis
中文翻译: 坐标轴 座标轴
例句:Confirmed. Coordinate axis fixed. 翻译:第七战斗团负责扫荡残余舰只。
58、 Wyoming Cottonwood
中文翻译: 俄亥俄棉花木
例句:March 5th, 1861, Sunrise, Wyoming. 翻译:1861. Wyoming.。
例句:Alright, count me out of it 翻译:count me out of it。
60、 Don't mistake generosity for cowardice
中文翻译: 勿将宽容误为怯懦
例句:Don't say that i'm always right i know that i am a mistake 翻译:288)}Don't say that I'm always right I know that I am a mistake。
61、 craggy face
中文翻译: 粗矿英俊的脸
例句:He's a very small man with a lined, craggy face. 翻译:他是一位满脸皱纹、大宽脸小个子的男人。
1、 。
62、 Rich & Creamy
中文翻译: 乳脂状 质地丰厚 滋润
例句:Farmer's Bounty with the real, rich, creamy taste of real butter. 翻译:笰初玻珇 緻緻イ猳独猳.。
高一常见词汇表:1,63、 crowd around
中文翻译: 围拢 聚集在
例句:Guess whose exhibit... had another visitor last night? 翻译:CROWD: No! MAN:。
64、 liquid crystal display
中文翻译: 液晶显示 液晶显示器
例句:Optical Properties of Backlights for Small Size Liquid Crystal Display Devices 翻译:小尺寸液晶显示器背光源的光学性质。
65、 cube root
中文翻译: 数 立方根 三次方根 三次根 鱼藤精
例句:" Let me root, root, root For the home team " 翻译:? Let me root, root, root For the home team ?。
66、 Demolish Fist
中文翻译: 破坏拳
例句:There are even fist fights in meetings. 翻译:There are even fist fights in meetings.。
67、 dependent claim
中文翻译: 从属权利要求
例句:Dependent of how much it cost? 翻译:Dependent of how much it cost?。
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