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关于”读的app“的英语句子37个,句子主体:Read the app.。以下是关于读的app的专升本英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Read the app.

为了学习如何使用 Stow,让我们装载一个虚构的应用程序 app-1.4。

1、To learn how to use Stow, let's stow an imaginary application, app-1.4.


2、The link to the time tracker chart is created in the app/views/employees/index.html.erb file.

Google App Engine 是基于服务的云计算市场的一个新生力量。

3、A new player in the service-based cloud computing market is Google App Engine.


4、Another Jewish app called Siddur uses the same GPS technology to give prayer times.


5、Graphic.ly's iPad app allows readers to comment on their favorite panels.


6、Objective To explore therapeutic effect of acute paraquat poisoning (APP) by hemoperfusion and seek for the related nursing measures.


7、Shrook features synchronization by way of Shrook.com, a web-based version of the reader that will sync with copies of the app on various computers.


8、In Windows

8, IE

10 is available as a Metro style app and as a desktop app.

第二,在 /app/models/document.rb 文件中添加 has_one :xml_content 关联。

9、Second, add the has_one :xml_content association to the /app/models/document.rb file.

App Store目前拥有85000个程序,并有超过20亿次的下载量。

10、The App Store now boasts 85,000 applications and a total of more than

2 billion downloads.


11、Random House yesterday launched an iPhone app of its own, which makes full, older books available for reading free.

实现这个新视图需要在 app\views\kiosk 目录下增加一个新文件 grab.rhtml。

12、Implementing this new view requires a new file, grab.rhtml in your app\views\kiosk directory.


13、Everytime one of those people authenticates the app it makes NEW app and invites their friend.

启动 Grails 时,grails-app/conf/Bootstrap.groovy 增加

14、As you start Grails, grails-app/conf/Bootstrap.groovy adds two users and four new blog entries.

2 个用户和

4 个新的博客条目。

只需在 scratchbox 环境中执行 apt-get source hello-world-app。

15、" application isn't working as of this writing, but that's okay; just apt-get source hello-world-app in your scratchbox environment.

放置在 /app/zwidgets/ 文件夹中的小部件源文件可 简化工具整合。

16、Widget source files are placed under the /app/zwidgets/ folder to simplify tooling integration.


17、There’s also no support for in-app payments and changelogs (to communicate app changes).

修改 list 视图(app/view/triage/list.rhtml),如清单

18、Update the list view (app/views/triage/list.rhtml), as in Listing


8 所示。

Blogito 在 grails-app/taglib 中已经有两个 TagLib:DateTagLib.groovy 和 LoginTagLib.groovy。

19、Blogito already has two TagLibs in grails-app/taglib: DateTagLib.groovy and LoginTagLib.groovy.

定义 grails-app/controller/UserController.groovy 的核心行为,如清单

20、Scaffold out the core behavior of grails-app/controller/UserController.groovy, as shown in Listing 2

2 所示

21、So, authors have prepared melamine polyphosphate to substitute APP to solve such problems.因此,本文制备了聚磷酸蜜胺来代替APP,以期解决上述问题。

22、Create a file called myblogs.properties in the folder #PortalserverRoot#\wcm\shared\app.在文件夹 #PortalserverRoot#\wcm\shared\app 中创建一个名为 myblogs.properties 的文件。

23、Listing 清单

3 shows what the tag looks like placed in the new app/views/layouts/recipes.iphone.erb layout file.

3 显示了放在新 app/views/layouts/recipes.iphone.erb 布局文件中的标记。

24、Starting with the App server component at the bottom and moving clockwise.从底部的App server组件开始然后顺时针方向移动。

25、A section of the app called My Britannica lists all your saved, favorite and recently viewed articles.应用程序中有一个名为“我的大英百科全书”(My Britannica)的清单,列出你保存、收藏和近期阅读过的所有文章。

英文句子26:,26、This App Estate Glossary collects in-depth glossary for the estate to enable you to understand property from inside-out.「地产词汇」深入搜集了地产行业的术语,让读者特别是地产从业员,明了每个词汇的意思。

27、The BootStrap file located in grails-app/conf folder runs every time Grails starts and stops.在Grails每次启动和停止时,位于grails-app/conf目录中的 引导文件都会运行。

28、For version 对于

5.0.2, engine.tld is in directory wp_root/shared/app/WEB-INF/tld.

5.0.2 版本, engine.tld 在目录 wp_root/shared/app/WEB-INF/tld 中。

29、Expand org.eclipse.ercp.eworkbench.applications, right-click the Geo Info App node, and choose New - Views from the menu.展开 org.eclipse.ercp.eworkbench.applications,右键单击 Geo Info App 节点,然后从菜单中选择 New - Views。

30、You can simply create a geronimo-web.xml file in /web-app/WEB-INF.您可以在 /web-app/WEB-INF 中创建一个 geronimo-web.xml 文件。

31、Methods According to the specific sequence of APP genes, the primers and the fluorogenic probe were designed and synthesized.方法根据APP的基因序列,设计并合成引物和荧光标记探针。

32、The grails-app/conf/BootStrap.groovy file runs every time Grails starts and stops.在每次启动和停止 Grails 时会运行 grails-app/conf/BootStrap.groovy 文件。

33、A Mojito application can also be installed as an app on a mobile device.Mojito应用程序同样也可以作为app安装在移动设备上。

34、Create grails-app/utils/UnderscoreCodec and add the code in Listing 10创建 grails-app/utils/UnderscoreCodec 并添加清单

10 所示代码

35、Type grails test-app -unit User to target the specific test class you are interested in.键入 grails test-app -unit User 定位到您感兴趣的特定测试类。

36、About a half of smartphone users read app privacy policies, according to a recent study by industry-funded privacy group Truste.依据最近的一份调查显示,大约有50%的手机用户会阅读网络隐私权条例。

37、Apple, which relaunched its Chinese iTunes and App Store in October - it now spotlights localized apps - is moving to counter the competition.苹果公司xx月份重新发布了中文版的iTunes和App商店,把重心放在使app本土化,以便抵抗竞争对手。

38、For example, place those files in #Portalroot#\wcm\shared\app.例如,可以将这些文件放在 #Portalroot#\wcm\shared\app 中。

39、Figure 图

3 shows a user app reading from the MQ queue and writing to a user file or user table.

3 显示一个用户应用程序读取 MQ 队列,并写入用户文件或用户表。

40、So, apps such as Pandora internet radio can be listened to while reading the news using another app.例如你在阅读新闻的时候同时收听潘朵拉网络广播。

41、And that app, on a device fully controlled by Apple, gives users all of the WSJ content for free without the need for a subscription.苹果设备上的这款应用可以让用户无需订阅就可免费阅读华尔街日报的所有内容。

42、The first place to look is in the app/tools directory, at the gimppaintbrushtool.h and gimppaintbrushtool.c files.需要检查的第一个位置是 app/tools 目录中的 gimppaintbrushtool.h 和 gimppaintbrushtool.c 文件。

43、Start by creating the file prune.php in the /column/protected/cakephp/app/vendors/shells directory.首先在 /column/protected/cakephp/app/vendors/shells 目录中创建 prune.php 文件。

44、Alphonso Labs, the company behind the Pulse news reader app, has raised $9 million in Series A financing.开发新闻阅读器应用程序Pulse的Alphonso Labs公司完成900万美元首轮融资。

45、The option will give iPads, as well as Android 该方案为iPad和Android 3平板电脑提供了一个读卡器和一个移动应用,可作为商家的结算平台,类似于 Square的读卡器。

3 tablets, a hardware card reader and app combination that can serve as a store checkout much like Square's eponymous readers.

46、Open grails-app/conf/Config.groovy to see the log4j settings (as shown in Listing 打开 grails-app/conf/Config.groovy 查看 log4j 设置(如清单


6 所示)

47、Then, enter grails run-app, and we're ready to test the validation.然后,再输入grails run-app,我们准备开始测试验证了。

48、Add the has_one :subscription association to the /app/models/user.rb file generated at Step 将 has_one :subscription 关联添加到步骤

3 f.

3 f 生成的 /app/models/user.rb 文件中。

49、And let you decide which app should be removed or replaced by a different app .并让你决定哪些应用中应去除或取而代之的是一个不同的亚洲浆纸。

50、The Financial Times was the first major news publisher to launch an app of this type, which allows readers to access its award-winning journalism easily and quickly direct from the phone’s browser.作为大型报纸发行商,金融时报是推出这款应用软件的领头羊。 它使得读者可以轻松读取获奖新闻并可以通过手机直接迅地浏览网页。

经典英文句子51:读的app,51、To start Grails in beta mode, type grails -Dgrails.env=beta run-app.要在 beta 模式下启动 Grails,请输入 grails -Dgrails.env=beta run-app。

52、Rename grails-app/conf/spring/resources.xml to resources.xml.old. Add the code shown in Listing 将 grails-app/conf/spring/resources.xml 重命名为 resources.xml.old。

11 to resources.groovy

53、For example, when an app attempts to read the contents of a document your app is editing, you can write unsaved changes to disk before the other process is allowed to do its reading.比如,当另外一个应用试图读取你的应用正在编辑的文档时,你可以先把未保存的修改写入磁盘,再允许其它进程来读取。

54、Objective To explore the variations of oxygen free radical(OFR) in the patients of acute paraquat poisoning(APP).目的探讨氧化损伤水平在急性百草枯中毒(APP)时的变化状况。

55、It will be a free app and now you can read our how- tos and improve yourself while commuting.这将是一个免费的应用程序,现在您可以阅读我们的说明,以便在交换时提高自己的应用水平。

56、But in that year, the apps industry has grown exponentially – the total number of Apple's App Store downloads recently passed the 但就是在这xx年里,app的业务已呈指数级增长——苹果App Store总下载次数最近突破了15亿大关。

1.5bn mark.

57、It’s an open comic book reader, meaning you can load comics (in .cbz or .cbr format) you download on your computer into the app wirelessly or over USB.利用这个漫画阅读器,您可以透过无线应用程序或USB接口从电脑加载漫画(.cbz .cbr格式)。

58、APP-AR-11492 :A more recent credit memo has been applied to this transaction.简体:APP-AR-11492:最近的贷项通知单已应用于此事务处理。

59、Webapps can be now launched from the 'app bar' now floating on top of the 'new tab' page.Webapps现在可运行于新标签页顶端的'app bar' 。

60、An EPOC application file (.app), which, at minimum, contains a unique identifier (UID) to identify the program.EPOC 应用程序文件( .app),它至少包含标识程序的唯一标识符(UID)。

61、The SOAPAction parameter is carried in the HTTPR message context header as the type app-soap-action.SOAPAction 的参数作为 app-soap-action 类型被载入 HTTPR 消息的上下文头中。

62、To begin, start in a clean directory and type grails create-app trip-planner.首先,在一个空白目录下,输入 grails create-app trip-planner。

63、To start, add the new lat and lng fields to grails-app/domain/Airport.groovy, as shown in Listing 6首先,把新的 lat 和 lng 字段添加到 grails-app/domain/Airport.groovy,如清单

6 所示

64、This directory is where the compiled classes are stored when you type grails run-app.这个目录内保存了在键入 grails run-app 时被编译的那些类。

65、Also notice the file for configuring the runtime container for Google App Engine, called appengine.xml. In this example, appengine.xml还需注意用于为 Google App Engine 配置运行时容器的文件,名为 appengine.xml。

66、Delta Airlines’ app?万豪酒店跟达美航空的呢?

67、Cross-promotion of applications - that is, advertising one app within your other app - is very effective.应用的交叉推广——也就是在你的应用中给其他应用做广告——非常有效。

68、The reading experience is a matter of taste but I prefer the Kindle app’s simplicity to the rather fussy, fake book stylings of Apple’s own iBooks app.尽管阅读经验可能和品味相关,但我更喜欢在Kindle中阅读,因为它简单到相当挑剔,甚至比苹果的仿书风格的iBooks应用还要好。

69、Add the has_many :subject association to the /app/models/subscription.rb file generated at Step 将 has_many :subject 关联添加到步骤

4 d.

4 d 生成的 /app/models/subscription.rb 文件中。

70、Type grails run-app and take your authentication infrastructure out for a spin. Try logging in as jsmith with a password of foo.输入 grails run-app 并运行您的身份验证基础设施。

71、Find the groovy-all-1.6.3.jar and place it into your App Engine project's war/WEB-INF/lib directory.找到 groovy-all-1.6.3.jar 并将它放到您的 App Engine 项目的 war/WEB-INF/lib 目录中。

72、Mr. Hewitt, who developed Facebook's iPhone app, said he was working on other projects but would probably develop for Apple's App Store again "when I do have time someday."Hewitt曾经为iPhone开发Facebook的应用程序,他表示现在正在开发别的项目,“当我哪天确实有时间”了,可能再为苹果的App Store开发应用。

73、The grails test-app command, in addition to running the tests, creates a nice HTML report.grails test-app 命令除了运行测试之外,还会创建很好的 HTML 报告。

74、The element's globalid attribute should be same as the element's uid attribute specified in portlet.xml.元素的 globalid 属性应该和 portlet.xml 中指定的 元素的 uid 属性一样。

75、Why am I reversing this APP, we were going to release the resources. All right.为什么我颠倒这个APP,我们将,释放这些资源,好的。

英文句子模板76:Read the app.,76、Interestingly, developers are about equally as interested in the Mac App Store (39%) as they are Amazon’s new Android Appstore.有趣的是,开发者对Mac App Store和亚马逊最新的Android Appstore显示出几乎同样程度的兴趣(39%的开发者对Mac App Store感兴趣)。

77、Under the app/scripts directory, you will notice three handlers (Figure 在 app/scripts 目录下,您将注意到三个处理程序(图





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