食物的英语有哪些单词 英语

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食物的英语是"726 Peanut is quite a potential food allergen.",在日常中也可以翻译为" diet",在《现代英语词典》中,共找到49个与食物相关的翻译和例句。


1. 726 Peanut is quite a potential food allergen.

食物翻译为 726 Peanut is quite a potential food allergen. 。

示例:浪费这些食物真可惜。 It seems a pity to waste this food.


2. diet

食物翻译为 diet 。

示例:囚犯可以收食物包裹。 The prisoners were allowed food parcels.


3. [食品] Food

食物翻译为 [食品] Food 。

示例:食物匮乏而且昂贵。 Food was scarce and expensive.


4. bread


示例:Bread charmed the audiences 让"BREAD'S BREAD"



1. aliment(食物)


2. alimentation(食物


3. chow(食物


4. viand(食物


5. vittle(食物

英语短语&俚语, food chain food cycle Detritus food chain food web ( 食物链 生态 )

food poisoning alimentary toxicosis alimentary intoxication ( 食物中毒 内科 )

food bank food pantry Daily Bread Food Bank Second Harvest Food Bank ( 食物银行 )

the food quality Food Quality ( 食物质量 )

the food structure eating patterns ( 食物结构 )

food consumption pattern Food consumption patterns ( 食物消费模式 )

diversified food production ( 食物多样化生产 )

Food hypersensitivity Food Allergies Food Allergic ( 食物过敏 )

Thermic effect of food TEF ( 食物热效应 )


1. You got food, fresh water, every...


2. it's food, it's real food.

译文:它的食物, 这是真正的食物。。

3. See food, eat food, feel good, repeat.

译文:看到食物、 吃下食物、感觉很好。 重复。 。

4. We want to eat, not be eaten by, our food.

译文:我们吃食物 而不是被食物吃掉 。

5. We'll have four hours to loiter around the storms for the sprite pictures in the back, and then two hours back home. So we'll be airborne about eight hours tonight.


6. Favorate food: All chicken foods.

译文:喜欢的食物:所有鸡类食物。 。

7. i might have a comment about the service.


8. He's against people who are promoting some kind of ascetic behavior with regard to food, so avoiding certain kinds of foods: is this kashrut?

译文:他反对那些,宣扬禁戒食物的人,避开某些食物,是指洁净食物吗? 。

9. We want to eat, not be eaten by, our food.

译文:我们吃食物 而不是被食物吃掉。

10. Food is the problem and food is the solution.

译文:食物是问题,食物也是解决方案。 。

11. i'll find you something to eat, don't worry, i'll get food for you.

译文:我会找些食物给你 别担心,我会找到食物。

12. And don't forget the food, the food, the food, the food.

译文:别忘了食物、食物、食物。 。

13. Hey, here's the grub to feed the defenders.

译文:嘿,食物来了 备用食物。

14. ♪ Searching for food for the pot


15. - Ah, so the family portraits. - Yes.



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