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关于”常用的短语和句型“的英语句子30个,句子主体:Common Phrases and Sentence Patterns。以下是关于常用的短语和句型的高中英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Common Phrases and Sentence Patterns


1、The objective of the "definition" is to provide a "descriptive" explanation of the term or phrase based on lexicographical practice of current usage.


2、Pragmatic failure can be classified into interlingual pragmatic failure and intralingual pragmatic failure.


3、Not only the fur coat is soft, but it is also warm.


4、The next time that you are talking with your friends or colleagues try this little phrase.


5、Montague grammar is the typical solution to syntax, semantics and pragmatics, especially for semantics.


6、The GAMS language is formally similar to commonly used programming languages.


7、And, so I do a lot of Spanish hosting and acting and also bilingual,


8、Lexical chunks are the ready-made memorized combinations in a language, which, once acquired and stored in the human brain, can be retrieved and used automatically as wholes.


9、Short tag headers are used for tags with 62 bytes of data or less. Long tag headers can be used for any tag size up to 4GB, far larger than is presently practical.


10、The term "thumbs up" is now used in English speech. For example, "The director gave me the thumbs up."


11、However, non-contiguous phrases are not taken into account in this model.


12、English songs, for the most part, include a lot of colloquialisms, slang and generally useful phrases that aren't necessarily going to show up in your average textbook.


13、It provides a core data model and a very rich set of functions and primitives for flexible query.


14、This is a very typical local language.


15、Using this feature, even large queries can often be processed with subsecond timing.


16、The second is the type of gravida , which refers to the accurate words in daily use. Once such words enter legal stylistics , their meanings become fuzzy .


17、A term is a word or phrase that can be used to classify and group objects in the metadata repository.


18、These terms often describe a variety of business goals and technical requirements, from hardware-only availability targets to mission-critical targets.


19、In the processing of retrieving phonetic information, dyslexic children had a lower ability to utilize semantic clue to help to memory than the normal children did.


20、Typically, one uses inline, character-oriented markup for individual words and phrases (bold, emphasis, citation, links, and such.).

21、In modern Chinese, "meaning" adverbs have the basic disappears, leaving behind only infrequently-used phrase connection usage and usage.现代汉语中,“再有”的副词意义基本消失,只留下连接用法和偏正短语用法。

22、Ventilation-induced lung injury is often studied in animal models by using ventilation strategies with high-tidal volumes and high-oxygen concentration over a relatively short period of time.呼吸机相关性肺损伤研究常用大潮气量和高浓度氧策略的动物模型,使用时间相对较短。

23、Braces (rulesets/braces.xml) -- Checks whether for, if, while, and else statements use braces.括号(rulesets/braces.xml)—— 检查 for、 if、 while 和 else 语句是否使用了括号。

24、If you want to make your resumé stand out, you're going to want to avoid canned phrases like "team player", "strong work ethic", and "innovative".如果想让简历脱颖而出,你可能需要避免过多使用一些常用语句例如“团队协作”,“职业道德感强”和“有创造力”等。

25、We propose a new data model named DPG (Directed Probability Graph) to represent the documents, which makes it easy to recognize the shared phrases of them.我们在本文里提出了一个新的数据表示模型——有向概率图,利用该模型无须比较两两文档即可非常容易地识别文档之间的共享短语;

英文句子26:,26、Long-run and short-run changes play an important part in economic models.长期和短期的变化在“经济模型”中起重要作用。

27、The cherry pie is out of this world.(out of this world 是出色的,了不起的意思,这个短语非常地道)

28、Grace periods may vary, but usually range from 免息期长短不一,不过通常是20-50天,这得看信用卡的类型和发卡银行。

20 to 50 days depending on the type of credit card and the issuing bank.

29、Using entities might help you avoid typing the same phrase or information repeatedly.使用实体可以避免反复输入相同的短语和信息。

30、Submitted by Neal Gafter, this proposal includes catch blocks which handle multiple exception types and improved checking of re-thrown exceptions.由Neal Gafter提交,这个提议包括处理多种异常的catch语句块和改进重新抛出的异常的检查。

31、User-Defined Functions can be written in PL/pgSQL (proprietary procedural language) SQL, and C. Supports both the CREATE PROCEDURE and CREATE FUNCTION statements.用户定义函数可以用 PL/pgSQL(专用的过程语言)、SQL 和 C 编写。 支持 CREATE PROCEDURE 和 CREATE FUNCTION 语句。

32、Berkelaar-very good, very well-known for linear programming and mixed-integer planning the source code, using the c language, the author M.非常好,非常有名的求解线性规划和混合整型规划的源代码,用c语言编写,作者M。

33、The phrase earning a degree" summarizes the evils of extrinsically oriented education."常用短语挣一个学位总结出重在表面上的教育的弊端。

34、Do you often speak English with foreigners?你经常和老外用英语唠嗑吗?

35、Statically typed languages are usually, but not exclusively, type explicit; dynamically typed languages are almost always type-inferred.静态类型语言通常是显式类型的,但也不完全是;而动态类型语言几乎都是隐式类型的。

36、It was later adopted by Web-savvy folks to describe large choreographed dances and songs in public places, usually organized through digital messaging tools.后来这个短语被网络行家采纳,用于形容公共场所大型的编排舞蹈和歌曲,通常是通过数字通讯工具组织的。 近年来,这个词语具有了额外的阴郁含义。

37、Secondly, I often feel it a little difficult to write about my daily life in English these days mainly because I haven't many words and phrases enough to express what I want to say.其次,最近用英语书写我的日常生活经常感觉有点儿难度,主要是因为我所掌握的英语单词和短语还不够多,不能表达我的意思。

38、This works best with large blocks of text, but the approach can still be used when dealing with shorter phrases.这种方法适用于大型文本块,但是在处理较短的短语时仍然可以使用这种方法。

39、This model can help to realize semantics-based query. It can detect and mediate the common semantic inconsistencies, and provides users with semantically consistent view of query results.该模型能够实现基于语义的查询,能够检测和调解常见的语义不一致,能够提供给用户语义一致的查询结果信息视图。

40、Different professions outstand their uniques on the choice of words, the application of sentence, the discourse style, the speaking method, the communicative topics and the tradition of speaking.在语词选择和语句应用方面,在话语风格和言谈方式方面,在交际话题和言语习惯方面,各行业都有其独特之处。

41、We must use many sizes of type and different colored inks on the same page, and shorten or lengthen words at will . (NETEM 2000, Passage 我们必须在同一张纸上使用不同型号和不同颜色的墨水,任意缩短或加长词语。

3, Paragraph


42、Usually these words and phrases are used with times, dates, years, days, e.g.: before 通常这些词和短语和时间、日期、年份和星期几一起用,例如:before

10 o'clock / before

10 o'clock, e.g.

10 o'clock / 在10点之前,例如 Can we meet before

10 o'clock?

43、Directions for use: For daily styling and reconditioning care, apply a few drops - depending upon your hair length and texture - to wet or dry hair.使用说明:日常头发造型或者深层护理,可根据头发长短和发质,取适量用于干或湿发上;

44、Secondly the algorithm integrates a statistical model based on part-of-speech and rules to identify the prepositional phrases that haven't been tackled in the first step.之后,用基于词性的三元边界统计模型和规则相结合的方法识别其它未处理的介词短语。

45、The speech sounds, the connotation of words and the grammar can all lead to equivocal sentences. The pun upon a word or a sentence is often used to achieve the effects of humor, satire, etc.歧义通常产生于语言、语义、句法等层面,其一语双关的特有功能常被灵活使用以达到讽刺、幽默等效果。

46、Humans, of course, communicate with dogs with commands and phrases.可是,人类只会用命令和短语来跟狗狗交流。

47、The language of a model is often called a metamodel, hence the language for defining a modeling language is a meta-metamodel.模型语言通常被称为元模型,因此定义建模语言的语言就是一个元元模型。

48、English, Baluchi, Urdu and Indian dialects are commonly used.英语、俾路支语、乌尔都语和印度语也经常被使用。

49、Language-independent source code modeling can be valuable when a program needs to generate source code for a program model in multiple languages or for an uncertain target language.程式需要为使用多种语言中的程式模型或不确定的目标语言产生原始程式码时,与语言无关的原始程式码模型就非常有用。

50、You can use the default statement with enums and switches, just as you would expect. Listing 正如您所期待的,在使用枚举和 switch 时,您可以使用 default 语句。

7 illustrates this usage

经典英文句子51:常用的短语和句型,51、In terms of language typology, Chinese and Japanese belong to different type of language.在语言类型学上,汉语和日语分属不同的语言类型。

52、Idioms are the gems of a language which have been refined through ages of application. Idioms are fixed sentences or phrases which are concise in forms and comprehensive in meanings.习语是人们经过长期使用而提炼出来的精华,是人们长期习用的形式简单而又意思精辟的定型词组或短语。

53、Table 表

1 defines a few of the common terms used by linguists and translation specialists.

1 定义了语言学家和专业翻译人员使用的一些常用术语。


标签: 短语

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